Annulment and Divorce: It's the SAME in God's Eyes!

Matthew 19:6 says, "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

The issue today is that many synonyms are treated like antonyms. Two words that get played as such also are divorce and annulment? Is there a difference? The legal constitution of man may redefine them but the effect is still the same. It's still divorce. It's still annulment. Mrs. Liberty Jesalva of Bible Baptist Church says, "Christian lawyers cannot defend a law that is a lie." when she was asked about Christian lawyers who handle the ANNULMENT cases in her article, "Saving the Christian Home " in Volume 3, Issue 8 of the Baptist Herald.

Now for the definition of annul and divorce:
  • Annul-make (something, esp a law or marriage) void; cancel the validity of; abolish,To obliterate the effect or existence of:
  • Divorce-To dissolve the marriage bond between,To end marriage with (one's spouse) by way of legal divorce

In other words, as said, it's just a play on words. The only "difference" between the annulment procedures and divorce procedures is the length of time it takes to complete it. But in effect, the end is still the same- God still HATES it. So it can be said as this, "In America divorce is a lot faster than in the Philippines." or "In the Philippines, it takes two years before a divorce procedure is over compared to America it takes less than a year to complete such a procedure." Knowing that to annul is to make void or abolish, does is not separate a marriage too? It does the same abomination regardless of how crooked authorities may want to differentiate them.