Why God Allows Failures

There is a question even an adult can ask, "If God is a perfect God, why does He allow man to fail?"  One has to look at why God allowed an incident like Adam and Eve blowing up the Paradise that He designed for man to using the least expected to carry out His will.  Why Lord why?  Would have God stopped Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, the Earth would have never been as trashy as today.  Today the world is full of wickedness that it seems nothing good will happen. Injustice happens daily- the wicked prosper and live longer while the poor and oppressed die so soon.  With that, one may ask, "Why did God allow failure?"  Would have Adam and Eve not sinned, man would be living in a perfect world today.  But sigh, they did!  

Perhaps a good picture would be that from Matthew to John, Peter was shown to have denied Jesus THRICE.  Jesus being God the Son already knew ahead that Peter would deny Him.  He could have STOPPED Peter from doing so but instead, He allowed it.  He allowed Peter to experience failure and that will lead to a puzzling reaction to many why a perfect Lord would allow His servant to FAIL.  From the human, fleshly perspective it would look like that Jesus was having a poor choice of action to allow his first appointed pastor, Peter, to FAIL.  However one has to realize that for Peter to be a good pastor, a good family man, there were lessons that had to be learned.  Peter in fact in reading all four accounts said that he would never deny Christ even if all happen.  In short, Peter was being prideful perhaps with the fact that he made the first confession, he was the first person Jesus had appointed to be a pastor and all of that.  However after Peter failed, only did he realize that he was a prideful man.  Peter soon after that, kept the ministry of the Lord in humility, not in pride and took NO CREDIT for his preaching job in Acts 2 but giving the glory back to the Lord.

The Apostle Paul also spoke of failures when he said in Romans 7:21-25 that he was "wretched".  He was helpless against sin.  God allowed certain failures to happen which Paul says would be the only way he would rely on the new man.  Also, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 that he had this "thorn in the flesh".  Whether it was literal or symbolical, believers do encounter that which also comes in the form of FAILURE.  Yes, failure is a reality but it's not the end of things except for one failure- FAILURE to receive Jesus Christ for who He is.  A person may screw up a lot in some areas (ex. Solomon did plenty of stupid things despite being the most intelligent man on Earth) but if he has God, he is far less foolish because the eternal weigh MUCH MORE than a billion dollars on Earth.  In fact, Solomon realized how foolish he was in his life and wrote in Ecclesiastes that the only way man can truly be happy is in God.

One must also remember success is NOT equal to happiness.  Many people today generate plenty of income and when they suffer from even a minor loss, they kill themselves.  Success in the world only brings more misery, success in Christ is what brings happiness.  This happiness in Christ is manifested in not being affected by the billions of insults this stupid world has to offer, also it is manifested by trusting everything in Christ and all.  Solomon was miserable in success yet found true and lasting happiness in God.