Reflections on Revival's Golden Key

After watching Revival's Golden Key on Youtube, I would suggest we really need this book right here and right now especially that it's very comfortless to die hard preachers to see churches fall apart because there is no revival. James Kennedy commended this book for its very hard preaching and I would to even if I have just seen the video. My reasons? Well I definitely would say while I was initially an "easy believist" however when I began watching some very watered down Gospel presentations, my eye sockets were popped out in the figurative sense when I realized how stupid evangelism is these days. Kirk Cameron in that video showed the extremely stupid evangelism of "just say a simple prayer and repeat after me". Paul Washer declares war against that kind of evangelism because except if people really and I mean really see their sin and Jesus Christ as Lord of all, they will never see the need to repent of their unbelief and receive Christ as Savior, except they receive the truth that He is Lord and that He is the offended Lord and yet this offended Lord is very willing to forgive the lost sinner IF they let Him. But such people refuse to do so because of their pride.

Also one of the many heresies that now circulate is the idea of the ex-believer or the doctrine that, "You are saved, just believe once even if you don't believe afterwards." Friends, true faith in Christ continues and endure, those who departed like Judas Iscariot were never saved to start with (John 17:12, 1 John 2:19). You cannot have an unbeliever believe once, become a Christian and continue in their unbelief later, that is a garbage Gospel because faith in Christ continues, true conversion endures to the end and it is not a one time moment and walk away later, salvation happens only once yet it makes the person endure to the end by God's grace. In the Book of Acts, when the worshipers of Diana believed, they didn't worship Diana anymore- they got rid of her images and every occult stuff associated with it! That is what easy believism is, pure garbage because I could not even think for once that God's grace would give room to sin, no God's grace redeems the person unto good works for His glory (Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:11-14).

If you say you are an easy believist yet you believe that Christ must be preached as Lord, unless people repent of their sins they will not repent of their unbelief, that praying a sinner's prayer can be insincere if people don't understand the Gospel that is quasi-easy believism or people who think they are easy believists but aren't and then welcome aboard the boat of Lordship salvation. I was in that error before until I reexamined what I really believed. Sadly the term Lordship salvation has now been erroneously misused by conditional security proponents to justify their heretical doctrine or even misquote Lordship preachers like Arthur Pink to justify conditional security. Preachers like John Macarthur and Paul Washer stand for the once saved, always saved doctrine but they do not stand for the "once saved, always saved and you can sin all you want" heresy which is just as heretical as "you must do good works if you expect to go to Heaven" doctrine because both are equally satanic though the latter is more prevalent. People who think they are saved but revel in such sins should need their security shaken. How can a person be saved and be living so sinfully? I have no reason to believe that porn stars who claim to be Christians are Christians- how can they be so proud of their sins when in fact, even the worst Christians in a way are vexed by sin like Lot was vexed in Sodom for its immorality!

Like every Holy Week, I see on TV the watered down evangelism done by a Filipino Evangelical association which was connected to that 700 Club which I had ceased supporting not ever since I discovered it was connected to the ECT movement or called "Evangelicals and Catholics Together" which I still openly and closely renounce as trying to reconcile contradictions especially I was a former Roman Catholic who became a born again Christians- the doctrines CANNOT reconcile at all when it comes to the core doctrines of salvation or the role of Mary in both places. The story was plain and simple- it talked about two brothers and one supposedly became a Christian, the other was working as a fake thesis maker. While the idea was good but the execution was a big flop to standard Biblical evangelism. Why? The woman who was supposedly soulwinning. The scenes to follow were that, "I'm already a born again Christian!" Then there was the scene where the woman then later talked with the older brother and said, "Do you want to receive Jesus Christ then repeat after me." What? No Gospel presentation? No awareness of sin? I was pretty much pissed off at how stupid evangelism can be these days proving me a quasi-easy believist because I believe repentance of sin and willingness to turn from it is necessary for the lost sinner to be saved, in the sense without such how can they turn to Christ for salvation? Then the person gets converted, bears fruit or something but that whole "just repeat after me" was something. The film was pretty watered down because I don't think the older brother would have really had a change in life unless by any means, he was first told the Gospel, how sinful he was, etc. and not just repeat after me. Plus, it is no skeleton key as the easy crowd thinks it is (because they believe there are Christians who can live like the rest of the world when there are not even if Christians do fall down) because until people are told of their sins and are warned of false conversions, it's an incomplete Gospel! Now looking at it, it definitely fails to get revival's golden key, with or without the book. And it's time to really share my experience of how this book really works!

In my own experience, I remembered one time I prayed a simple prayer with the other people in a Bible class and thought I was saved yet I was still reveling in sin, it was only when I heard a hard preaching from an Anabaptist preacher Danny Bornales did I get it shaken at the reality of sin and the inability to save myself. I saw myself sinful, unrighteous and after I really asked God to forgive me, I found myself unable to agree with the sin all you want doctrine because it's just plain stupid. I believed from then on that when a person has Jesus Christ as their Savior, they will definitely get a changed life. Sadly so many people in my alma mater have claimed they received Jesus Christ as their Savior but have continued to walk in the heathen way like they are still Roman Catholics when in fact, Roman Catholicism is really irreconcilable with the doctrines of born again Christianity! I left false religion, they haven't.

But fortunately a former foe of mine have gotten true conversion- he used to attend church in a Jesuit parish like I did, however now he is a die hard Baptist Christian. Sadly some lady I knew who claimed to have become a born again Christian however still lived very worldly, self-obsessed and going to church in a mini-skirt or low cut dresses which makes her conversion doubtful. I also had my thoughts also on some people who claimed they were Christians just because they attended a Baptist church every Sunday, however their actions spoke otherwise. Example number one while claiming to be Christians and wanted to enroll their children in a Baptist school later quarreled the administration and even called goons. The eldest daughter while claiming to be a Christian likes dating one unsavory men after the other and unsavory company, no better than the stereotypical mindset of what I can have about the Roman Catholic girls' school women (though I would be unfair to call all of them sluts since some of them don't live morally degenerate lives though they may suffer from the typical self-righteous attitude like every lost sinner does!) or the students of the Flying Catechist because she dares to dress like the rest of the world when a true Christian woman would be bothered when they sin like that plus I've been hearing she's been changing boyfriends pretty quick out of her promiscuous behavior even her own mother whose salvation I doubt suffers from constant headaches.

Another one while the matriarch claimed she was a Christian- she refused to submit to her husband, her husband lives in fear with her and her children are fed with the "easy easy" mindset. Worse, she called the godly directress of the Baptist school as a Communist when she herself behaves like a female version of Pol Pot or Kim Jung Il (sadly both are in Hell now!) while claiming she is a born again Christian, she's very mean, inconsiderate and overall a very nasty woman I want to slug on the face that hard but won't because she's a waste of time. There's also an Evangelical association, Evangelical in name only that actually is first, elder-led and not pastor-led and the church trustees actually are one of the many owners of a night club filled with dancing naked girls. I really find it stupid to how can a Christian as much as a Christian man may get tainted by a pornography addiction for some time during backsliding will end up praying to God for grace to get rid of it while these men revel in it all the more until they may enter another level of immorality like an adulterous lifestyle, fornication, rape, homosexuality, incest, etc. proving they were not saved to start with. Because for one thing, no true Christian can ever live a sinful life even if they may have. Lot, Samson and Solomon may have not given their all but they definitely weren't wicked like the rest of the world.

So I suggest every Christian church should now grab a copy of the book now!

See also:

Genuine Conversion Compared to Sham Conversion