Abortion is One of Today's Greatest Massacres Ever

Sure one can go ahead and condemn the ungodly acts of the Pharaoh at the beginning of the Book of Exodus for all the Hebrew baby boys he killed or Herod the Great for ordering the death of Hebrew male children two years and below just so he could stay in power. Problem is, do we even bother to pause for awhile to think about abortion is just as wrong as the acts carried out to drown the Hebrew baby boys or murdering the infants? Most people really have a twisted mind to the point that they think if a murder is not done in the name of pagan religion then it is not murder. Sorry, abortion is still an act of infanticide.

Certainly, one can go ahead and condemn pagan religion as barbaric and cruel for child sacrifice but have we ever thought that abortion is just as ungodly? Whoever thinks that the fetus is just a glob and tissue better think again. They better take a look at the aborted fetuses and realize those were once alive and they were aborted. If the fetus was just a glob then it would not grow. Just because it was still inside the womb does not make it any less living than a born child. A willful abortion is just as sinful as willfully throwing one's infant child to the fires of any pagan god. Both are willful acts of murdering one's own offspring.

Knowing in a world where sexual immorality prevails then the demand for abortion goes up. It does sound very convenient to kill one unwanted unborn children but the results are disastrous. The more I think of the lethal procedures involved in abortion then it does cause a higher increase in cancer, it can also cause a person to lose the ability to have babies and worse bleed to death. Abortion should always be considered sinful no matter what.

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