Reminder: Jesus Is NOT an Add on to One's Way of Life

The "gospel" of "Easy Christianity" has perverted the message that Jesus is just an add on, that it is possible to be saved and remain barren and that teaching true salvation results to good works is works salvation.  It is safe to assume that such people hate Biblical repentance that some of the even teach that one does not need to repent to be saved, that all one needs is to simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

I do not deny that salvation has never been earned nor maintained by one's good works.  Instead, salvation has always been the work of God.  But the problem is when one teaches that one's salvation by grace through faith is a license to sin.  I really refuse to believe even for a minute that God's grace is a license to sin nor that a Christian can remain indifferent about good works and growing up.  The "Easy Christianity" may quote Scripture but do they really know the Scripture?  Then again, I believe those "Christians" hate expository preaching because it targets their twisted form of Christianity.

When it comes to people getting converted to Christianity - sin decreases and good works increase.  In the Book of Acts, many people turned from their sinful ways after they were saved.  Christianity was bad for the Devil's businesses.  I do not see these people indulge in sin all the more.  Instead, these people as a result of getting saved started to walk in good works.  Titus 2:11-14 declares the timeless truth that God's grace brings forth good works.  1 Corinthians 6:9-11 shows how salvation changes one's lifestyle from sinfulness to serving God.  That is why it is best to cast a shadow of doubt over people who claim to be Christians but love their sin instead of struggling against it.

See also: