The Sinner Hates the Bible Because It Knows All About Their Sinfulness!

I remembered when I was newly exposed to Bible studies, I really hated reading the Bible while I was still a Roman Catholic.  My mentality was, "The Pope said it, I agree with it.  That does it." and, "Well those Protestants can go ahead and read the Bible, it's not important."  But the more I started reading the Bible for myself, the more I realized why I hated it and the more I found out why my folks would not encourage me to read it daily.  The truth of the matter why I used to hate reading the Bible can be summed up as, "The reason you don't like the Bible you old sinner is because it knows all about you!"  I couldn't help but cringe reading even a Roman Catholic translation of the Bible because the very truth of the Gospel was still there.  But after I found the truth, I could not help but love reading the Bible because I cannot be saved and not love His Word.

Martin Luther called the Law of God as a hammer that shatters our self-righteousness and a mirror that shows us our sin, it does not go with the worldview that man is basically good.  People tend to think nothing is wrong with them because they are religious even if the lifestyle shows a habitual pattern of sin.  Take a man who has several vices such as gambling, womanizing and alcoholism yet believes himself to be a good person because he does acts of charity, he is deeply religious and goes to a Roman Catholic worship service every Sunday.  Man's idea of salvation is doing more good than bad to merit Heaven compared to the perfect righteousness of God.  Luther took the great risk to translate the Bible into German so the people can read God's Word for themselves.  The Roman Catholic institution forbade Bible reading for a time because if people knew the truth they would leave the system.  Besides, the Bible also attacked the Roman Catholic idea of faith plus works or that salvation is all about doing everything they command rather than what Christ commands.  They believe salvation must be maintained by one's own good works instead of the Biblical view that good works is the effect, not the cause of salvation.  

Atheistic governments hate the Bible because it greatly speaks about sin.  The atheist view is that there is no God (but they repeatedly show their hatred for God), that man is basically good or that there are no such thing as moral absolutes.  Many atheist writers attack the God of the Bible as cruel and unjust while they hypocritically believe that there's no good, no evil and just plain pitiless indifference.  The more one reads the Bible, the more one understands why God had to wipe out sinful civilizations.  If sin is just a fantasy word then there is no ground to condemn God as unjust but He is just and fair.  The sinful lifestyles of Sodom and Gomorrah is so high that those diseased cities had to be destroyed.  The Canaanites were so wicked that God had to judge them that only those who threw themselves at His mercy and forgiveness (like Rahab did) were spared from that wrath.  When it comes to sin, atheists think it's just a fantasy word and they inwardly hate God because they want to live their lives their way.  It's no wonder why the song "I Did It My Way" is a very popular song while Christian hymns are so rejected.

The Bible describes the horrendous nature of sin in a way that the fallen man hates the idea that they are lost sinners.  The fallen man says, "I can save myself." but the Bible says, "You cannot save yourself."  The salvation many are so used to believing is, "If you do more good then you are okay." but that is not what the Bible says.  Romans 3:10-23 declare the sinfulness of man that all are guilty before God and that none is righteous because all have sinned.  James 2:10-11 declare that if you break even one Law then you are guilty of all and that you are short of God's glory.  Even if lusting after a woman is not legally adultery but it breaks the precepts concerning adultery.  If you hate someone, you are already a murderer by God's standard.  As Galatians 3:24 says that the Law is our schoolmaster that brings us to Christ.  Only by preaching through the Bible can the person really see the fact they need salvation and when a person is saved, they learn to love God's Law and they start saying, "Lord you saved me, now I am yours to command."