The Lord Jesus' Death and Resurrection Defended

First and foremost, it would be very important to defend the Biblical doctrine of the physical death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in which He showed His two attributes- As God the Son in the flesh and His divine nature as the second Person in the Trinity, therefore His death was a voluntary act to which He laid down His life and He can take it (John 10:17-18) which NO MAN can do. He was both God and man in His earthly ministry. As a man, He died physically and as God, He conquered death.

Now it's time to debunk the silly theories that fools (who profess to be smarter than God especially atheists) on what they think they could debunk the resurrection of Jesus:

1.) The conspiracy theory says that the disciples stole the body while the centurions slept. Here are the objections to this theory:
  • The Roman Empire has a harsh policy on their soldiers who sleep. Rather than just fire them, they are put to death.
  • Remember that the disciples were too afraid after the Lord Jesus had physically died. They were too discouraged to do anything. So think about it- if anybody drowns into cowardice for some time, would they even bother to steal the body especially if it's guarded by Roman soldiers to make sure that nobody steals the body?

2.) The vision theory says that it was all a vision and an illusion. Here are the objections to this theory:
  • If it were all a vision, how do we account for the women who wanted to anoint the bloody body?
  • In the history of hallucinations, there is no incident in which five hundred people from different backgrounds, of different temperaments ever saw the same vision at the same time!
  • Also if it was just a hallucination, the disciples would then want to check the tomb if the body was still there.

3.) The swoon theory is they say Jesus didn't die on the cross but just swooned. Here are the objections to this theory:
  • Jesus was heavily scourged by the cat-o-nine tails and He was already a bloody pulp and much blood was lost. Most victims of the scourging died from the process alone.
  • The Roman soldiers were adept in checking out the death of the crucified men. The Roman centurion decided to check if Jesus was physically dead pierced the spear on His side which then flowed out not only blood but also water, proving that every last drop of blood was gone that water also came out. In biology, a dead man's blood would separate blood and water compared to blood of a living man.
  • Some atheists claim that Jesus after being placed in the tomb, woke up and pushed the rock aside to fool everyone He had risen and eventually died. Further common sense would tell that this is also stupidly said because one He was wrapped in graveclothes which would restrict movement, two spices would prevent reviving and three open air would be required to revive a swooned person not a closed tomb. Plus, I should mention that His wrists and legs were pierced with nails, He was a bloody pulp and it's definitely a challenge for the creators of this theory to actually try it themselves if they dare!

4.) The UFO Theory is even more ridiculous proving how crazy men can be in their own knowledge. 

Why? Just think about it- they don't believe God just because they don't see Him (then stop breathing) but they believe aliens exist.  Many atheist writers even promote the nonsense of UFOs which they even have not proven to be real.

Honestly there will be more and most of them can get dumber than the other. Just as said in Romans 1:22, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."