Things of the Holy Spirit are Foolishness to Carnal Man

To the world, the things of the Holy Spirit are but foolishness to them. It can be read of foul, degrading comments concerning the work of Christ of things like Christians are losers, Communists, Nazis, subhumans, dictators, WHATEVER the world wants to call them. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are discerned spiritually." Natural man in other words is sinful therefore opposing to God (Romans 1-3). He thinks that whatever Christians do are just a joke and not anything special.

Here are some things natural man calls foolish:
  • God's standard for righteousness over man's
  • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone over works salvation
  • Worshiping God in Spirit over the use of graven images and props
  • Choosing prayer evenings over disco evenings
  • Choosing to be sober over being drunk
  • Choosing a monogamous relationship over a multiple sex partner one
  • Exposing the works of darkness and warning the public about criminals over condoning them
  • Suffering for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ over choosing not to do so
  • Listening to Gospel music over secular music
It's just too bad more people choose to remain as unsaved because of their love for sin. They live in a cafeteria style morality over God's Law which causes men to go to the Lord Jesus to be saved.