Like It or Not - God Promises MORE Troubles for Christians Ahead!

"Lord Jesus I'm
coming home..."
It may sound REALLY UNFAIR, HORRIBLE, UNAPPEALING and whatever that God didn't promise a life of ease, fame and comfort, rather He had promised more trouble, persecution and affliction ahead for Christians. Sounds unfair doesn't it? Jesus warned of persecution even by one's own relatives, He never mentioned a life of ease yet He also gave them guarantee that He will be there when trouble comes. Matthew 6:33 He commands believers to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you. What a wonderful promise to Christians! God has assured if Christians seek Him, He will definitely provide for them.

True Christians will seek Him out because they are already saved but the problem is how often? Again God uses troubles to make them seek Him more often than they seek for their own. Remember Jesus already said about carrying the CROSS is always associated following Him. A cross is in no symbol of pleasure, it's a symbol of death. That means being a disciple of Christ as a result of salvation means there will be more problems ahead. The fact that once a person is a Christian, he/she will ALWAYS be a Christian- Christian living becomes an EVERYDAY fact of life. Doing good works without expecting anything in return but God be glorified, suffering for Christ, getting ready to face ridicule all because this world is definitely NOT eternity. Heaven is the only thing Christians should look up to and working with God.

Christians by any means are still bound to the flesh. Let God give them a comfortable life of comfort and ease they'll NEVER grow up. They will be cowering against sin and not confronting it. They'll choose to isolate themselves from the rest of the sinful world rather than preach the Word out of fear of persecution. It will also mean that Christians can end up taking God's blessings for granted, rather than to love the Giver instead of the gift the Giver gives. Sad but true but many people accept the gift but forget to thank the Giver. God gives blessings like wealth and prosperity so He has the right to take it away to keep a Christian faithful in the ministry. In fact, without trials the Christian's true character cannot be displayed and God's promises cannot be proven at all to the unbeliever. Remember authentic faith can only be proven authentic if there is fruit to it as the fruit of actions can determine whether or NOT one is truly a Christian (James 2:18). Man cannot see the heart, only God does. The evidence of authentic faith is in the Christian life. Do not even think it was easy on God's part to provide salvation, becoming a Christian is NEVER easy in the sense that it cost God His only begotten Son.

Would have not God allowed Christians to suffer persecution at the hands of the heathen, it would be doubtful of the fruits of the Spirit and their forgiving nature by the grace of God would ever be displayed. Instead, when God allowed Christians to suffer, they showed a lost and dying world something worth dying for. Martyred Christians around the world ended up showing them that Christ died for a lost and sinful world rejected and alone which has caused people where Christianity is banned to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved. What a precious promise! The more the persecution against Christianity, the more Christianity grew instead in numbers as demonstrated by history. In short, the more troubles God promises head, the greater the value there is to following Christ because He alone can turn tribulations into testimonies.