Friendly Reminder: Please Practice No Bible, No Breakfast Policy!

It's Thanksgiving Month and it's time to really get serious with Bible reading. How often do you read the Bible? Do you treat it as supplements, desserts or do you treat it as daily food? It's just so insulting to think how there are times Christians can neglect reading the Bible. It's no wonder some Christians are miserable because they can't enjoy sin. Here's what the Bible says about how to treat the Book of the Law or the Bible:
Joshua 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

The Bible is hard to understand so that's why there are planned daily reading. But Christians should read the Bible cover to cover in their quest to grow. Study guides help, devotionals help but one must always seek to keep reading the Bible cover to cover. It's easy to forget certain details of the Bible because human memory is fragile. Sometimes, it's easy to even forget some facts like the order of the Ten Commandments or Jacob's twelve sons. That's why regular reading and studying of the Bible is required. But many of these activities are just delayed for bedtime if not only on every other day. Any Christian can be guilty of that and when they do that they're miserable until they're back on track.

It's time to really put it to a no Bible, no breakfast policy. Remember, Jesus already said these words in Matthew 5:47 that even unbelievers can do some things that ought to be done.  It's a shame that some unbelievers get up early in the morning to worship their false gods while some Christians sleep in neglecting the morning Bible reading. Some Roman Catholics get up in the morning to pray the Rosary while some Christians fail to read the Bible in the morning and thank God for a new day. It should be a shame whenever unbelievers do their duty towards their false religion while Christians fail to do their duty towards their true religion.

The Charles H. Spurgeon Devotional has both morning and evening. It's really a problem when some devotionals only write one reading per day. Spurgeon's devotional encourages Bible reading for both morning and evening. So why only read the Bible in the evening but not in the morning? Shouldn't it be appropriate not only to ask for God's help to get a good night sleep but also to help start the day's walk with Him right?

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