The Born Again Christian Legacy is Wrongfully Hated by the World
It's a Christian legacy of being hated by the world for the wrong cause! Why? Jesus warned in John 15:18-19 that the Christian will suffer persecution because of the fact that they are of Christ Jesus, the world hated Jesus and another- because they are not of the world. Christians get called as sub-humans, terrorists, Communists, Nazis, etc. by most of the world because they DO NOT conform according to the patterns of the world (Romans 12:1-2). Even the most lukewarm Christian may stand up and make a stand, even if it means to be destroyed by any means. All they can do is rely on God's protection!
For what reasons do Baptist Christians have the legacy of being wrongfully hated by the world? Here are some as they did more than just good works, they made a stand for Jesus as these are historical facts:
1.) Preaching the Word of God as it is to people as they are.
Many of them were fearless to keep going down from the mountains to preach God's Word to the people below. They kept copies of the Scriptures forbidden by the Inquisition and distributed it.- and they continue to distribute in missions to Muslim countries, Communist countries, etc. because time is running out for people who do not know the Lord Jesus. They cared about lost souls. Bibles were distributed to schools and so were Gospel tracts. They have a heart for the lost but most people don't see themselves ever as lost!
Many of them were fearless to keep going down from the mountains to preach God's Word to the people below. They kept copies of the Scriptures forbidden by the Inquisition and distributed it.- and they continue to distribute in missions to Muslim countries, Communist countries, etc. because time is running out for people who do not know the Lord Jesus. They cared about lost souls. Bibles were distributed to schools and so were Gospel tracts. They have a heart for the lost but most people don't see themselves ever as lost!
2.) Standing for the biblical position of morality, ethics, values and tradition over the manmade doctrines. When they opposed the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisition, they didn't even force themselves on others who refused to listen. They preached a Gospel that is not watered down. The early pastors of the Church like Peter never preached a watered down Gospel. They opposed any tradition not from the Bible.
3.) Opposing the union of the functions of church and state. They opposed the idea of the church and state as one and instead viewed them as two separate offices. They believed in the fact that the state governs over the church as a separate institution and that the church is obliged to follow the government unless the government sinks into immorality.
4.) Having the habit of speaking against the evils of society like the criminals among civilians to the criminals of the government. However they do not believe in the use of anarchy against governments though.
5.) Teaching that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ and not by good works, religion, etc. Although they are forbidden from implementing their beliefs by force against people, they have been accused of hate crimes as of recent for continuing to insist on John 14:6 which they preach Jesus is the only Way to the Father, not by good works, not by religion- only through Jesus Christ.
It has also become a historical fact that the Roman Catholic institution had persecuted the Baptists for those reasons above. She had control over governments and kings, she didn't want to lose it. Also, there were the magisterial Protestants (non-Christian to be precise) and other anti-Catholic cults. It came to a point that anti-Catholic cults like Mormonism, the Watchtower Society, the church of Felix Manalo, the church of Alexander Campbell and the Pentecostals just to name a few had to join forces with the Roman Catholic Church to eradicate their common enemy- the Baptist Christians.
As a godly pastor would say, "If you expose the workers of darkness and do more than right, when you preach the Gospel, do not expect the world to like you a bit! Instead expect the Inquisition or the secret police to go after you! But just do as God wants you to do in attacking the works of darkness."
Note: We are talking about TRUE Baptists here and NOT the parody Baptists like the Westboro Baptists and the Landover Baptists. We are talking about that follow the principle of "What Makes a Baptist". They may be carrying the name Anabaptist (rebaptizer), Evangelical Christian, Presbyterian, Mennonite, Waldenses, there are Protestants who are truly saved but if they follow the BAPTISTS code that is Biblical Authority, Autonomy of the Local Church, Priesthood of the Believer, Two Sacraments, Individual Accountability, Separation of Church and State, Two Offices namely Pastor and Deacon and SAVED CHURCH MEMBERSHIP (which is that only true Christians are members of the Church) then they are spiritually still Baptist even if they do not carry the name Baptist.