Introduction to the Ministry
The Bible is clear in 1 Peter 3:14-16 saying, "But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled; But sanctify the LORD God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; Having a good conscience that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers that they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ." It's not just an advice, it's a command from Almighty God to every Christian regardless of position in the church. This blog also aims to help Christians to clarify their own thinking, to become better able to articulate and defend their faith.
Recently it is pretty much a problem that real born again Christians are unable to defend their stand. Why is it happening? Because they lack knowledge of facts and figures that support the Scriptures. Hosea 4:6 says, "For my people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge..." and how true indeed. Faced with the constant harassment from unbelievers from the daily, everyday scoffer to the apologists of false religion who ask questions and many of them unable to answer, or if they answer, are as guilty as they who use logical fallacies in answering the question. Now more than ever, apologetic ministries have become more and more important to show that Christianity is not mere blind faith, it is called to present the facts and figures that are needed.
Also the Bible tells born again Christians to examine all things, hold fast to that which is good. Yet too frequently, most of them are not willing to do that just because it takes some intellectual effort to become workmen that need not to be ashamed. When the grounds and foundation of the faith, Satan uses ignorance to cast doubts and turn out the flames. It is definitely necessary to find everything about the Christian faith- the very foundation is in Jesus Christ, the solid rock.
However unlike most apologetic ministries, this blog will do its best by the grace of God that, it will not be doing personal attacks, rather doctrines over people. The blog will focus on the argument, not people and there will no singling out of individuals or mentioning of names of individuals. Of course, false doctrine will be named by name and false religion will be named by name. By refuting heresies, it refutes the heretics who uphold them.
This is also a soulwinning blog just in case should any unbeliever stumble in to discover the truth!

Mission Statement:
Fundamental Baptist Christian is a Christian apologetics site dedicated to giving timely, relevant information on doctrine and facts.
Part of what we do is to uproot every heresy and false religion especially the parodies of Christianity, debunk them with what the Bible has to say and the Bible ALWAYS comes first above everything else. We provide only doctrinal information straight from the Bible, quote nothing more when it comes to doctrine but the Bible and to uphold the five Biblical principles of faith in Christ alone, by God's grace alone, Scripture alone, in Christ alone, glory to God alone. However we do not attack individual heretics but rather, their heresies as we are a non-personal apologetics group.
We also provide relevant information in helping Christians with their resources to defend the faith and to win souls to Jesus Christ. We are one of the many who do the planting, God does the rest. However we do not engage in debates since it only adds to more foolishness.
We are engaged in expository verse-by-verse preaching. We dig into the meaning of what the Greek says, what the word means and expound its meaning in Scripture. That is we dwell in the meaning of what the passage means, expound it and do the Spurgeon style in preaching.
We also endorse great men of God. Should we ever find a false pastor in our midst, he is automatically removed without being exposed individually.

Vision Statement:
We aim to reach the whole world through the Internet and various fundamental Christian churches that may endorse us who are Baptists in spirit, who uphold biblical authority, autonomy of the local Christian assemblies, priesthood of the Christians, two positions namely pastor and deacon, individual accountability, separation of the function of Church and State, two sacraments namely baptism and Lord's supper each one by no means contribute to salvation and above all SAVED CHURCH MEMBERSHIP.
To give light to where the Gospel is rarely heard, to aim to win as many souls as possible before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as Matthew 24:14 declares that the greatest sign of the end times is when He, the Lord Jesus Christ comes back in all His glory when the whole world is saturated with the Gospel. It is our aim to win as many as we can, to hasten His coming by proclaiming the Gospel.
The style in apologetics:
That's about it. Why not attack the heresies and false religions and it will refute the heretic that's holding them. Why not cut down the tree instead of plucking the leaves one by one? If anything must be named names, it's their heresies and false religions which will in turn, refute whoever supports them.
We believe that it's best that the heresies are exposed therefore exposing the heretics that uphold them regardless of whether it be TV, radio, books, whatever. That's what the focus in this ministry is- naming the names of heresies, sins and false religions. If in business, one must not focus on selling one by one all the time but also to see how to sell more items to less customers as well- it's like doing a wholesale/retail thing.
We do not single out false pastors and false prophets by persons rather their doctrine and false religion. Why? In the first place, there are literally plenty of wolves among the flock and singling them out is fighting them one by one rather than fighting with the wolves as a group. Also all the exposing and exposing of persons one by one would actually make one a pretty nasty person and it can get pretty personal to the point logical fallacies can be committed like the poisoning the well argument. We DO NOT follow the styles that most Christian apologists do today- singling out people and it's making them NASTY!
Besides, think about it- 99.9% of the film industry is saturated with ungodliness so we won't even bother singling out every blasphemous film Hollywood has to offer to the public. From the Last Temptation to only God knows what's next, the blasphemy was too wide open and they expose themselves. By exposing blasphemy, these films get exposed. By attacking pornography as sinful, every porn film gets attacked in the process. By attacking witchcraft, every film that promotes witchcraft as good is attacked in the process.
About the members of the ministry:
We are nobody special. We are Christians called out from the darkness and into the light. We are called from the bonds of religion to the glorious calling of the Lord Jesus Christ. We were saved by His grace alone and not by His works, we do good works only by His grace and because we were saved to sin and not to serve. We have chosen to remain unspotted from the world, as to only God gets the glory of what we do. We prefer to give God the glory and not for our selves.