Beware of False Conversions!
Here's a little bit of reality we have to face- while we have NOTHING against the invitations to which a person comes forward and a church worker attends to them if they are not sure of their salvation so they do need somebody to open the Bible for them, however to REQUIRE it for salvation is utterly nonsense. Salvation is based upon believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ and a sinner's prayer (or some the decision card) is 100% useless if it was never a heart-felt decision, that is the person never believed the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and that person has no desire to turn from sin whatsoever. Such a person, in reality, does not receive Jesus the cure for sin because that person does not see anything wrong with sin. A real pastor could care less how short the sinner's prayer was, it's that the person trusts the REAL Lord Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. However some people do get saved in their pews or in the middle of the service when they hear the message and BELIEVE IT in total reliance to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation- they could have just silently asked the Lord Jesus into their hearts then! In Acts 16:30-31, the Apostle Paul simply said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." That's the only way to surrender one's life to Christ and there will be REAL results, not just superficial belief but faith that will result in works.
Here's what's really going on- there are many false conversions going on just like how Judas Iscariot went with Jesus but he was NEVER saved to start with. Some people have stepped forward to make a "public profession" of faith to deceive the flock, they have deceived everyone into believing they are saved, they attend church- however when they are offended by the Gospel preaching, they either leave or look for trouble. On the other hand, some guests who entered as unbelievers and after hearing a sermon like "The Burning Hell" may have already asked Jesus to save them while the invitation went on and didn't step forward. It has happened in some Baptist churches. One example can be like this- a Roman Catholic was invited and stepped forward. Okay, he renounces Catholicism but he is not saved. Afterward, he ends up landing in another cult such as Mormonism, Pentecostalism or the Ang Dating Daan. Situations like these make it seem that a person can willingly lose their salvation but here's what- they were NEVER saved to start with (1 John 2:19). They are just like Judas Iscariot, only eleven were real disciples, he was a FALSE disciple. There was no way Judas Iscariot even for once can be considered a Christian! I also began to view Pastor Ray Comfort's "True and False Conversions" on Youtube which by brother-in-Christ Zigfred which shows the marks of apostasy. Only if churches were aware of how watered down their preaching is, they will really preach it hard and maybe these Judases will repent before they join Judas Iscariot in Hell!
Here's are examples of how a person can show their false conversion:
First, there are those who pretend to be Christians and later join into false religions.
Note: People below who made these testimonies are not real but rather used for illustrative purposes. Seriously do not expect me to even single out heretics, they are already singling themselves out!
"I used to be a Roman Catholic and I got invited to join in Cebu Baptist Church with Pastor Peter Sy. I came forward when I saw the error of Catholicism and I was attended to by a church worker. After Pastor Peter Sy refused to debate with Pastor Warner Ye of the Pentecostal movement and convinced me I needed good works to be saved, I joined the Pentecostal movement since then. It's always faith plus works for salvation."
"I got out of the Roman Catholic Church and joined the Baptist Church but after the Children of Mama Mary Defender Association convinced me that Peter was the rock and that Pastor Peter Sy was interpreting it wrong, I went back to the Catholic Church."
"I used to be a Christian but I became an atheist ever since I read the blog "Dawkins Killed God" and saw how wonderful a man Richard Dawkins is."
Second there is this- Antinomianism. Pastor Paul Washer of Heart Cry Missionary mentioned how the Antinomian speaks, "Well I've prayed the sinner's prayer, I can kill people and kill myself and still be saved." He then connects with saying, "How can any true Christian think like that?" How true indeed with how he washes away the notion that salvation and eternal security provide a license to sin. Oh no- that's not it. 1689 Baptist of Youtube really stresses it out that there is no way that a Christian is ever happy with sin. Think about it- Lot wasn't happy in Sodom because of sin, Samson wasn't happy when he sinned and the rest of wicked sinners are happy when they sin. They sin more and more! Isaiah 1:18, Ephesians 2:10 and Titus 2:11-15 are clear that salvation results to a CHANGED LIFE! As said, how can a Christian ever live like so sinfully if they are counted for RIGHTEOUSNESS not WICKEDNESS (Romans 4:5)?
Pastors John Macarthur and Ray Comfort have preached on the matter in several of their documents that true Christians do not deny Jesus is their Lord. Please do notice that Judas Iscariot NEVER called Jesus as Lord which proved he wasn't a real convert. Seriously I cannot be a Christian and for even one moment disregard the Lordship of Christ in my life, sin and think He will not chase me with His loving rod of correction, take me and SPANK ME so I will not do anything damaging.
Pastor Paul Washer also addressed the issue of the sinner's murmur because nobody ever gets saved just repeating a few words- no people get saved by trusting the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation. As said, how can a truly saved person ever think for once, that they were saved by just a "sinner's prayer" when the Gospel is all focused on "Repent ye and believe." I remembered praying a real sinner's prayer, no not because a pastor led me but because I understand the REAL fact I needed to get saved. The moment I heard that I'm a good-for-nothing sinner, the three things Jesus performed to pay for our sins (death, burial, and resurrection) and that I only need to trust in Him, I repented that instant and bowed in prayer, in guilt. Then started a new life- God used my classmates and teachers in High School who were mature believers to straighten me up and taking EVERY RISK to do so, even if they knew I still had a lot of pruning to do. And also, one of the evidence of my true conversion was that I felt miserable whenever I did something bad.
In fact, no true Christian is ever going to think that sinning is okay and God doesn't mind. God does become mindful of Christians who sin (Hebrews 12:5-6) even if salvation cannot be lost by any means (John 6:37-40, 1 John 2:19). Seriously how can I want to sin all I please if a God so good can't cast me out? That means this God so good will keep His eye on me, He will be always with me and that means, He is going to chastise me whenever I sin even if He doesn't cast me out. There is NO license to sin. Only a false convert (most likely to make fun of salvation by grace) will say, "Salvation by faith alone makes you sin all you please." That is DEMONIC! How can I even think for a jot of a second
Pastor Ruben L. Lumagbas Jr. mentioned in one of his pulpit lessons that one example of a false convert was when she claimed to be a "Christian" but posed for Playboy- that is really no surprise to a genuine believer that such crazy talk exists. Seriously when can I ever believe that these women who pose in Playboy have any authentic faith even Christians who may have become guilty of viewing such materials out of compromise will NOT feel good about doing it and pray to the Lord about the problem? In my own personal experience, I remembered how a schoolmate of mine while he was baptized in a Baptist church on a fine Sunday morning, later ended up joining a "Christian" hate group in Canada and demonized his alma mater and its directress in such a vile manner I could question his conversion if it was real.
Perhaps another example can be a woman who got baptized, claimed she was already a born again Christian yet the evidence were questionable. How can she who was truly saved even think of retaining a materialistic lifestyle, enjoy such worldly programs on TV or even while hypocritically she also posed several provocative pictures of herself which would invite sex talk on various social media! That is far fetched from when Rahab became a part of God's people she forsook harlotry like I found a greater hatred for worldliness. The same happened to the woman at the well, Mary Magdalene and the adulterous woman- they had a real conviction for sin and authentic faith that resulted in REAL WORKS. Also one of the greatest evidence of this false conversion is that they still add works to getting saved, accuse eternal security proponents of teaching a license to sin YET they're the ones who live like as if they have a license to sin!
Perhaps another example can be a woman who got baptized, claimed she was already a born again Christian yet the evidence were questionable. How can she who was truly saved even think of retaining a materialistic lifestyle, enjoy such worldly programs on TV or even while hypocritically she also posed several provocative pictures of herself which would invite sex talk on various social media! That is far fetched from when Rahab became a part of God's people she forsook harlotry like I found a greater hatred for worldliness. The same happened to the woman at the well, Mary Magdalene and the adulterous woman- they had a real conviction for sin and authentic faith that resulted in REAL WORKS. Also one of the greatest evidence of this false conversion is that they still add works to getting saved, accuse eternal security proponents of teaching a license to sin YET they're the ones who live like as if they have a license to sin!
Third, there is the danger of the prosperity gospel. That's what makes evangelism today flawed and fake. Why? It's because of the prosperity message. Now an example would be this- Pastor Mayaman Kaybanal (just another imaginary character of this ministry I created) would say, "Join my church and you'll be a billionaire. It'll be a life of comfort and ease. You'll have riches to no end." It's the type of church that preaches a worldly message not according to the Bible. Pastor John Macarthur in his sermon "Slaves for Christ" blasted the prosperity gospel and he later made a rather tough sermon called "Prosperity Gospel Heretics"- both were enjoyable sermons. Many people sell the Gospel for money- not for the real purpose of saving souls and this is NOT the Gospel that Jesus taught. Remember Jesus did not promise temporal riches but eternal ones but the MAIN message of the Gospel preaching is not about mansions in Heaven- it's about that men are sinners who have broken the law and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior from sin who died and rose from the dead so they can have eternal life.
Many times Jesus' demands for absolute surrender were a true test of authentic conversion- the fakes left while those who have Christ as their Savior say, "Lord thanks for saving me, what will you have me do?", take up their crosses and FOLLOW Him. In fact, some Christians will find themselves becoming less concerned for the world (though they may stumble), desiring to depart from sin, and to strive for Christ as a result of true conversion. Well, they may murmur when problems come but they won't be disappointed for long because they NEVER got the prosperity gospel trash to start with and they'll open the Bible, realizing Jesus NEVER promised Christians that they won't be overwhelmed by misfortune.
There is always a distinction that separates the believer from the unbeliever pretending to be one. Infiltrators don't need to be exposed one by one, they expose themselves when God's Word is upheld because it's sharper than any two-edged sword cutting through deception in the Church. God's Word is stronger than ANY false convert even if they were from the Jesuit Order, Opus Dei, etc. Is it any wonder why the Vatican and their rival cults want to get rid of the strong Bible-believing churches to the point they form an alliance of traitors? It's because, with those types of institutions around, their cover is too easy to blow