Why Fundamental Baptist Christians are NOT Religious Terrorists!
It has come to mind that fundamental Baptist Christians are being called as terrorists by modernists and for what reason? Simply because they are bigots in the sense they are John 14:6 adherents that there is NO other way to the Father but through the Lord Jesus Christ. The world finds such a Gospel offensive. In modern standards, the Lord Jesus Christ would be in demand for arrest when He'll start preaching on radio, TV and write articles. He would write against false religions and false doctrines and He will never compromise with modernistic vile preachers.
Here's a little bit of what this ministry has to say- we are open-minded but NOT too open-minded. We tolerate people to open their minds as long as they do not compromise with God. For example, our members are open to suggestions on what hymns to use for the next prayer meeting but when somebody starts to suggest demonic music, that's when we draw the line. Not everything should be tolerated. People have to be close-minded whenever need be. There's a balance that has to be maintained.
What's so often ignored by the accusers are the following facts about independent fundamental Baptist Christians:
- Although they preach a one way, narrow road Gospel and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ, however they DO NOT force people to believe in what they say. They do not attack people but only their beliefs. When a person refuses to believe, they would rather leave the person ALONE afterward looking for more potential converts. They do NOT go around shooting infidels but rather helping infidels see the truth.
- Although they expose falsehood, they DO NOT campaign to kill sinners. They hate sin but NEVER the sinner.
- During the times of persecution, the Baptist Christians chose to suffer persecution even if it meant death. They chose to forgive their enemies. For example, instead of taking revenge against Catholics for the Inquisition, they chose to pray for the misled. Jesus Christ taught His followers to love their enemies and pray for their persecutors rather than fighting back!
On the other hand, critics show their hate by rather than letting Christians talk their views and give it a thought, they choose to attack even by physical means. Check out how homosexual rallies treat the Christian preacher who tells them about the Lord Jesus, on how they plan to get recognition which would even include blood terrorism in order to get attention and what other various methods they have.