Why We Preach Against False Religions

It has become a common argument to say, "If you are a Christian then why do you attack other people's religions?  Haven't you read what the Bible says to love one another?  You are nothing but a religious terrorist, you are promoting strife, picking fights and not promoting Christianity in any way.  Jesus never did attack other people's beliefs."  Many Baptists have felt that scourge especially from unbelieving relatives whether it be their parent/s, sibling/s or any relative/s.  Here's my response- there is only ONE absolute truth.  These people hardly know their Bible and hardly know Jesus. 

Here's the reason why we preach against other religions: people are headed to Hell without Jesus Christ.  Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man cometh unto the Father except through Me."and by today's standards, that would make Him a bigot and a religious terrorist.  People argue that it's unfair for God to send people to Hell for practicing other religions but He is NOT.  False religions sway people AWAY from God.  How?  For example many people today worship a god made from material stuff whether it be gold, silver, wood or even to the latest addition plastic while claiming they worship the one portrayed and not the image.  It has kept them enslaved that it makes them VERY DIFFICULT for them to pull away but nothing is impossible with God.

Truth is, most religions DO NOT agree with each other as Amos 3:3 says that two cannot walk together except they be agreed.  We are not here to start another war like the Crusades and the Inquisition, no, we are not here to shoot people who refuse to convert, instead we have allowed ourselves to be at risk to preach the Gospel to people who are lost and by God's grace to die to save the sinner's physical life.  Many of the world thinks we of this ministry are but total morons because for them, 1 Corinthians 1:18 calls these people who go against preaching of the cross of Jesus Christ as FOOLISHNESS and again, no wonder why the Bible is very hated to the point it gets misinterpreted.  People can't tell the difference between the fundamental Christian vs. the Inquisition, jihad, etc.