A Child Left Alone to Himself

Proverbs 29:15- "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."

The whole problem today is that we have mothers who instead of staying at home to guide the children at home (or if they are working they prefer to take jobs that don't take them away from their children) are instead having "money comes first".  Okay one cannot DENY that money is important and hard to find.  A good father will provide money and teach his children how to make money so they can become independent and eventually raise one generation of providers to another.  A good mother manages the money well.  However BOTH PARENTS must NEVER ever make their children lovers of money instead of stewards of money.  There is a difference- stewards of money are aware God OWNS the money, lovers of money want ALL the money for themselves so one manages the money, the other seizes it for himself/herself.  However these mothers have started taking jobs that earn high- however they are staying AWAY from their children.  Hold up- isn't more fitting for the husband to have a more tedious job than a married woman with children to take care of?

In fact the mother's role in the household is to guide the children, tutor them, do the dishes, do the laundry, teach the children to do household chores, teach them values when papa is away and NOT being out there looking for double income to the point that they are far away.  Is it any wonder why today's children lack guidance?  It's all thanks to the MOTHER who is leaving them at home with the nanny or at the daycare center rather than being there to nurture.  What happens to that?  Because the mother is not at home, the mother is neglecting the children, these children can become misguided especially by their peers.

stepmother can make more sense if she did do her job to rear the stepchildren as if she gave birth to her when she stays at home, teaches them right from wrong and she deserves to be called a real mother even if she merely adopted them.  It would be in fact shameful if the real mother was neglecting the very child she gave birth to over a stepmother who loves her stepchild as if she gave birth to that child.  And think of how a true housewife as a stepmother and a mother, if she follows godly principle to raise the children in godliness would be truly honored over women who are miserable feminists.