Dumping the Aging Wife for a Younger Woman?!

One of the biggest problems in a society where divorce is allowed is that when the wife grows older, the husband tends to dump his older wife for a much younger woman. I had ran across somebody who begged his boss for a cash advance of at least PHP 250,000.00 in order for him to annul his wife to marry a much younger woman (who was in her late 20s while he was in his late 40s and so was his wife) because according to him, "Marriage is only meant until the wife grows older." That is SO NOT like the ideal plan of marriage by God Himself which was in Matthew 19:6 that the Lord Jesus Christsaid that whatever God has put together, let no man separate them. What is utterly foolish about the idea of dumping the older wives for a younger woman is that it really makes one look older because of the stress of filing for a divorce, it's a marriage based on lust and not love, a marriage based on "convenience" and status symbols and it is a total dishonor of the marriage vows which are, "... for better or for worse, in sickness and in health... 'til death do us part." and NOT "...'til divorce/annulment/until old age do us part."

Also, it's terribly an insult to one's self as if one is not growing any older when in reality, the longer one lives, the older they get and men will age as well as women. They treat their wives as disposables ignoring the fact that they are growing older as well. In fact, so old they can't have much energy to catch up with their younger replacement wives who want to go do a lot of activities that OLD PEOPLE can't catch up due to their lack of energy levels to do such stuff like mountain climbing and skiing. Then what if that younger wife ages? Then he files another annulment, spends more money again and that guy could pickle himself faster than expected because of all the stress of frequently replacing wives to the point he makes a poor fool out of himself or that divorce can be very stressful considering the filing fees that are involved. Or what can be funnier at times is that the aging woman looks prettier and has a better attitude (which really counts) than the replacement wife who may be ugly inside-out to double the jeopardy. It's not love, it's lust and stupidity. 1 Corinthians 12 would NEVER agree with the view of dumping the aging wife for a younger woman because the habit of doing so is laced with much pride, self-seeking, unkindness, a ground for envy and boasting to which real love is NOT.

Maybe I would also like to add the foolishness of this thinking can be this humiliating on the part of the aging guy who wants a younger wife. An example is that he files to annul his aging wife all because he saw a younger woman of great beauty. So he does succeed in the annulment process, divorce done and God is very angry for putting asunder what He had put together. Then he decides to sing a love song to that younger woman he met only to realize that the younger woman has little or no interest in him perhaps out of virtue. What a waste of money in getting a divorce and he really got busted! Serves him right!

Now below is the picture of a happy couple...

Well want to really to stay "beautiful and young" with your spouse? The secret has to be a healthy married life. Husband love your wives, wives submit to your husbands out of love, stay faithful and well all I can say is, I've seen some women in their 70s or perhaps 80s but are still pretty and some men in their 70s or perhaps 80s but are still handsome or even the women are still prettydespite the graying hair and some wrinkles because of their marital fidelity and love for each other. That is much different than shameless men who dump their wives for much younger women only to end up looking so haggard in their old age due to the stress they can't handle with their replacement wives who are way younger than they are.