An Incoming Warning Board on the Reproductive Herod Bill!

As much as I am for natural family planning (especially the lower class income can't afford to have that many children), however the Reproductive Herod Bill might actually bring in sex education to the schools.  Why I call the Reproductive Health Bill as Reproductive HEROD Bill is because with abortion being endorsed, it would repeat the same atrocity Herod the Great had against the children two years and younger just so he could remain in power or repeating Margaret Sanger's wickedness.  Certainly the Philippines is doomed and this degeneracy is a result of idolatry (Romans 1).

Here's a clip of the late Estus Pirkle preaching about how sexual education will destroy the schools as part of what's hitting America.  Actually what's hitting America hits any nation and the footmen of dancing, the media and sex education is sweeping across the globe.  Communism is one with a bow without an arrow, usually a peaceful conquering that soon leads to war.  

Here's one from Pastor John Macarthur on sexual immorality and sanctification for Christians.  Seriously churches should also CONSIDER excommunicating habitual sexual violators before they destroy the fellowship of Christians (1 Corinthians 5).  

Note: However Christians around the world must be careful with who they side in the war against this "planned parenthood" bill.  As said, I refuse to side with the Roman Catholic institution like the ecumenical pastors (ex. Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jack Van Impe) of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together do in any matter against immorality as I firmly stand that my faith is irreconcilably different with theirs.