Homosexuals in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts? God Forbid!

It really disgusts me with how homosexuals are now demanding a legalizing of sin and I am not surprised that these queers are now demanding the rights of homosexuals in the boy scouts?  First, I would like to address those pro-Sodom groups that they are totally misquoting the Scriptures as well as wicked homosexual ministers.  Stop misquoting Ezekiel 14:29- the Bible calls homosexuality as an abomination as well (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13).  If you want New Testament, I'll give you 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and they include HOMOSEXUALS.  Homosexuals are bearers of false witness, they tell the world they are the opposite sex. 

You may call me a bigot or to those chauvinists who accuse me of being a homosexual, well go ahead and say what you want because you don't really have MUCH concrete evidence anyway.  Also I do not hate homosexuals but their activities.  I love them enough to TELL THEM they are on their way to Hell and that the only way to salvation is the Lord Jesus Christ!

Why I DO NOT support homosexuals in the boy scouts and in the girl scouts?  Here's my reasons:

First, the names are obvious to start with.  It's a BOY scout and a GIRL scout, NOT a gay scout or a lesbian scout.  Some of my irritations with homosexuals is how noisy they can get.  Now let's think- is it the boy scouts or the gay scouts?  Is it the girl scouts or the lesbian scouts?  They are GIRL SCOUTS because it's for GIRLS TO LEARN TO BE GIRLS AND NOT TO BE BOYS and they are BOY SCOUTS because it's for the BOYS TO LEARN TO BE BOYS AND NOT TO BE GIRLS.  In my College days, I really find most of gays to be much noisier than the girls or any talkative straight male.  Also, they tend to exaggerate their needs which is NOT good for the scouts.  Also, they are violators of the dress code.  God made Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve.  If they do believe in the third sex and the fourth sex, then go ahead and form your own gay scout camps and lesbian scout camps but KEEP AWAY from the straight boy scout camps and the straight girl scout camps!  

Two, it would be VERY detrimental to the image of the boy scouts and the girl scouts.  If segregation between men and women are done because of decency and to prevent sexual activity, the same is why I don't support gays and lesbians.  Gays in the boys scouts and lesbians in the girls scouts means this- inevitable sexual activity.  It's very wrong for either which camps to let in the opposite sex in their sleeping quarters, it's also VERY WRONG for them to have sex with each other.  Romans 1:24-27 really shows how bodily degrading homosexuality is- it's as bad as fornication and adultery. God makes no distinction when it comes to sin (James 2:10-11).  

Three, health is the issue and this world is getting screwed up not only because of promiscuous behavior among heterosexuals but also homosexual activities which are both sinful.  Despite the research of 46% of AIDS virus is spread by sodomy YET many homosexuals still insist they are moral when they are not.  They may help the old lady cross the road but they are teaching a lot of bad stuff.  Then it could lead to pedophilia.  If it's wrong for an adult to date a teenager, it's also wrong for a Roman Catholic priest to molest his altar boy.  Let the homosexuals enter into the camps, AIDS will increase.  If call centers in the Philippines have the highest count of AIDS because of homosexuality, then don't let the camps be next!  Homosexual atheists now tend to HATE God for creating AIDS too and while professing to be wise, they came fools (Romans 1:21-22).  

Fourth, it makes soulwinning difficult to do to homosexuals.  John 3:20 the Lord Jesus Christ had warned that men loved darkness and are afraid to come to the light lest their deeds be exposed.  Homosexuals refuse to come to the Lord Jesus Christ because of their LOVE FOR SIN.  I even remembered how homosexuals even wanted to make a film called, "The Homosexual Life of Jesus Christ."  What blasphemous garbage!  They'll always try to destroy my work but let them... they may succeed in triggering my anger or whatever but the truth will always remain the same!

All I can say to homosexuals is "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise PERISH."