Looking for a Live-In Partner or an Adulterous Remarriage to Get Rid of Loneliness?

I could remember how some people can be SO STUPID these days that after they have a quarrel with their spouse, they decide to separate ways and then worse comes to worst either the person gets a live-in partner or two, secures a divorce to remarry after the separation to "get rid of the loneliness".  Such persons have their reasoning of, "Well you don't know what it is to be alone.  That's why I am having another family now." Seriously such people don't care about morality, all they care are the normative stuff like "It's no big deal to have multiple divorces and support many families."  

The two persons who were living in were claiming to have a strong faith in God, saying God will just "understand" their situation.  But no, God will NOT understand their situation because they are living in.  One was a married man, the other was a married woman who separated with her husband to live in with the man and was pretty quite happy when her husband died from a stroke she indirectly afflicted him with.  She even called herself "The Flying Catechist" because of her flight attendant work.  After being witnessed to, she loved her sin so much while claiming to be a woman for God she really left off sorrowful because she supposedly "loved" her live-in partner over her husband who she was rightfully married to.

However what does the Bible say about such stupidity?  The Bible says in Proverbs 25:24 saying, "It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman and in a wide house."  Such is the case today that live-in relationships mostly don't get along.  In fact commentator Matthew Henry also said this in his concise commentary, "It is better to be alone than to be joined to one who is a hindrance to the comfort of life."  From his complete commentary on the matter, he also writes, "How those may sometimes be envied that live in solitude; as they want the comfort of society so they are free from the vexation of it.  And as there are cases which give occasion to say, 'Blessed is the womb that has not been borne,' so there are which give occasion to say, 'Blessed is the man who has never married but who lies like a servant in a corner of the house-top."  For that reason, in fact divorces, adulterous remarriages and live-in relationships just bring more sorrow than the joys of being alone with God.