After All The Stress Gone Through to Get a Divorce?

While divorce in America may be faster than divorce in the Philippines (which has been legally called annulment despite the fact that the purpose and the end is basically divorce!) but there's some stress related to it. In the case of the Philippines it can take up to two years to pursue a divorce and there has to be that "valid reason" like spousal abuse, adultery and "psychological inability" and what is so sad is that, regardless of reasons some divorces in the Philippines under the cover of "annulment" has pushed through like how many celebrity weddings as LEGAL as they were end up in a tragic divorce which God hates the idea of divorce by every means (Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:9)- a few months to two years. There's the filing fee, then it is very necessary to carefully partition the property into two and then if cases come to cases, the property is given to the wife. In fact, divorce is so foolish it targets the foolish. God can have many ways in backfiring at covenant breakers.

In what way? Here's an illustration. There was a man in the Philippines who asked his boss for a whopping cash advance because he wanted to file a divorce with his wife. So he decides to ask for PHP 250,000.00 or more depending on the rate that the attorney will ask. His reasons are as he tells his Christian boss is that marriage is only until the wife grows old, so much for the marriage vows! If he can't get the money from his boss, he foolishly borrows from a loan shark the amount of money. Then he says, "Honey let's file a divorce. I am going to divorce you because you are already old. Marriage is only until the wife expires. Talk about (insert name) who divorced his wife for a way younger woman." then whatever words can go on.

The filing is just the beginning, examinations for reasons, he might even file false accusations just to get the divorce. Then the divorce succeeds but he must part the properties and living only at a regular salary, can he do it? Now, he's paid all his dues. Then he goes to that younger woman he was attracted to and begins to serenade her only to get REJECTED by her who he wants to marry in place of his aging wife. Worse, he is broke, his boss fired him for being a bad influence, etc. and was it worth it? Not at all as he made a fool out of himself. Another may be related to that the new spouse may be far worse a rotten egg than the previous spouse like how a man who divorced his wife to marry a much younger woman later ended up in another divorce because his new wife cheated on him.