Problems with "Predicting" and "Computing Dates and Times"
For a Christian, all I can do right now is to just keep on preaching, updating this site, pass out Gospel tracts, not mind those scoffers who hate me and continue my work despite people who want me O-U-T of their lives. Here are just some problems I am currently encountering as I am trying to "predict" and "compute dates" or for just anybody else:
1.) Acts 1:7- It is NOT for us to know the times and the dates. I've ran across a Protestant site that sadly has gone from bad to worse with bizarre ideas like Jesus being derived from Zeus, the Antichrist is a dynasty not one human being (even deluded to the point of saying that futurism is Jesuit heresy) is now even saying that the last Pope will be an American. Problem is, how sure is the webmaster? He even thought that December 21, 2012 (which was Harold Camping's third Rapture date after May 21 and October 21 of 2011 he based it on the Mayan Calendar) was a possible return of the Lord Jesus and two, he believes that the Rapture is also Jesuit heresy. The problem with doomsday computations also is that it directly violates what Jesus in Matthew 24:36 that NO MAN and NOT even the angels in Heaven can know except the Father only. So that means any angel who claims to know the actual end of the world is a fallen angel. The only thing that can be done is to examine yourselves... are you saved, are you more consistent in bearing fruit, etc. getting ready for the Second Coming. The Rapture will come just like every other day as I see it because when two are together, suddenly one will disappear, people acting like it's every other day then poof the Christians will be taken away to allow the world to enter into the Tribulation period.
2.) I am limited to human perception without any direct divine revelation and so are the rest of humanity. God gave the prophets His word, He doesn't give it to those He doesn't give messages to spread so no wonder the prophets of God are always right because it's God's message written down on them. God left me the Bible to read and study but NOT to compute the dates and times. As of right now, I am just being speculative in my thinking that Pope Francis I will be the second to the last Pope or the final Pope because with all the sufferings in this world, how I wish the Rapture will be so soon but there's still a huge field left to finish and that's why this blog was created for last days revival to fulfill Matthew 24:14. That is, I am just making a hypothesis of sorts which you should kindly discern for yourself.
3.) 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7 says that the day of the Antichrist will not come except there be a falling away and that the man of sin the Antichrist be revealed. The Holy Spirit needs to be removed first so that means, when the final Pope is elected, the final Pope is revealed and of course the great world leader be revealed as well (the Pope will most likely serve as the False Prophet of the New World Order), Christians will be too busy at the Judgment Seat of Christ receiving their rewards and seeing their losses then at the marriage supper of the Lamb. The pre-Tribulation Rapture is very important because until the persecuted Church is removed, it will not allow the Antichrist to fully rule the world with such a great opposition. Right now, the Church age is God's grace period to the sinful Earth but because it's been persecuted too much, one day God will decide to remove the Christians from the Earth and to His presence to allow the world to fall into its own judgment.