Deceiving Children in the Name of Fantasy Games is NOT Good
I was a child who grew up believing in the existence of Santa Claus to the point I was willing to fight for that stupid belief that he was real and grew to paranoid about it- I even had a hard time accepting Santa Claus wasn't real until I realized the Lord Jesus Christ was very real, not the Catholic Jesus but the Jesus of the Bible! I began to analyze the mind of a child as early as thirteen the time I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior but was forbidden from attending fellowship but I ended up praying in secret, those were slow growth years but I was already starting to sin less.
In fact here are two of my favorite pages of the Chick Tract entitled Fairy Tales because it does address the stupidity of parents though I disagree that every child who passes through it will become a killer:
The Chick tract made me think of the time I was deceived into believing in Santa Claus though I didn't really believe in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. Every page of the tract made me boil with anger at how STUPID parents can be these days thanks to the godless secular system that rules over the world preparing everyone to receive the Antichrist. So pretty much, here's how parents will look like when children discover the whole truth. I mean really, I remembered how I believed every Santa Claus movie I saw as a kid to be a true story when it isn't even when the end credits had disclaimers it was a complete fantasy. They take advantage of the fact that children are gullible- for Satan that is the very fertile field of sowing deception.
Children are so easily deceived. I mean can a child have that much logic to realize that Santa Claus needs that MUCH power to deliver presents around the world or can they realize that the Easter Bunny mascot was obviously a man in a suit or that there are NO such thing as talking rabbits except taught by Charles Darwin's stupid system of evilution? It's like that STUPID Disneyland incident where children cried when they saw the Mickey Mouse mascot take off his suit. All these are part of Satan's brilliant plan to destroy children from believing in the true God. So everything is set- Satan wins either way by hardening the hearts of little children!
So here's reality- parents can afford to punish their children for LYING to them when they themselves are LYING to their children. So they say, "Come on it's just a fantasy game!" and what made me angrier in reading the Chick tract was that the parents NEVER apologized to their child which is very DUMB. Would have they done it, I doubt it their son would have gone berserk all the more. This causes children to lose their trust in their parents like why I ended up hating my parents for a long time because of the whole Santa Claus, Boogeyman, whatever lie. It's a lot more effective to SPANK and admonish your children when they misbehave and telling them of the REAL consequences than scaring them about the Boogeyman will eat them.
The tendency is after the Boogeyman is revealed to be nothing more than a prank, they will soon be prone to misbehaving because they think the consequences are only fictitious so why worry about misbehaving when the Boogeyman is just a myth. The same goes for when they find out that there's no Santa Claus, they can be naughty all year round since they'll think nobody's making a list and checking it twice. If they are told God is real- Father, Son and Spirit they will be far more behaved than when they are caught up in the lies of Santa Claus and the Boogeyman. One lie after the other and they can afford to get mad at their children lying to them. Enough is enough, stop lying to children! Parents stop it already!
It's finally good some parents have decided to finally reveal the truth, tell the truth they were lying and that they had broken a promise. Sure it can hurt the child but it's better to hear the truth that will shed a tear than a lie that will make a smile. In fact, parents making the brave move to admit they've been lying to their children as early as possible can mend the damage, save the child from further ridicule for believing in what does not exist and best of all it helps repair relationships.