Majority Votes DO NOT Change the Truth!
As elections are now hitting the Philippines this second Monday of May, I really am concerned at the fact that people should realize this- MAJORITY VOTES DO NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH! So often do I hear this doctrine when various institutions have the logical fallacy of appealing to popularity like when they say, "The Roman Catholic institution is right because its followers have been so many for centuries." which is a fallacy. For one, the are not focused on doctrine. Also, the truth is never determined by election like people are sworn into office. No, the truth is the truth as it is. In fact, here are a few facts I'd like to bring up:
- Even if in the past most people believed that the world is flat, the world has always been round.
- Many children may believe that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny exist but no matter even if the whole world believes they exist, they will always be story book characters.
- Scientists in the past suffered some serious backlash and rebuke whenever they made a scientific discovery to disprove a certain myth. Today, we have scientists who suffer backlashes whenever they try to present proofs against evolution.
- Homosexual marriage will always be as wrong as every other sexually immoral crime like adultery, incest, bestiality and pedophilia even if a lot of people straight or not will say it's okay.
- The sun will always rise in the East and not in the West even if everybody votes the sun will rise in the West.
- Dirty water will always be unsafe to drink even if everybody votes it's safe to drink it.
- A person will die even if everybody votes that he/she will live.
- Man will always be not basically good even if a lot of people teach man is basically good. Romans 3:10-19 teaches man is NOT basically good!
- Hell will always be real even if majority don't believe that Hell exists!
- The Inquisition was done by a majority vote since much of Europe were Roman Catholics but that didn't change the fact that it was wrong.
- Popularity doesn't make a bad man's lifestyle justifiable. For example, the late Elizabeth Taylor's popularity does not condone to the adulterous lifestyle she had or the late Michael Jackson's works of darkness cloaked as righteousness. Sad these people are now in Hell!
- Rock music will always be satanic no matter how popular it is.
- Last, the Bible will always remain true even if majority will decide it's not true. That means even if everybody decides that Jesus is not the only Way to the Father, it DOES NOT change John 14:6. No matter how many Cardinals may vote on new doctrines in the Vatican, the Bible stands as it is supported by evidence! And proofs from the Bible:
- In Genesis 6, most of mankind except Noah's family was in rebellion against God BUT that didn't subvert God's plan to flood the Earth.
- In Genesis 11:1-9, although Nimrod led most of the people to rebel (hence Nimrod means to rebel), God did not approve of their building of the Tower of Babel.
- In Exodus, majority votes did not change anything. The Egyptians' decision to enslave the Israelites DID NOT change the fact it was racism and just plain wrong. In Exodus 32, the majority vote of making the golden calf did not change the fact it was wrong.
- In Numbers 16, even if Korah, Dathan and Abiram got a lot of people to join them in rebellion,, the unrepentant people all drowned into Hell alive anyway. Notwithstanding, Korah's sons didn't join their father in the rebellion.
- In Joshua, even if the whole of Canaan was united against Israel, still they could not vote out the fact that God had already marked their sinfulness as the basis their judgment was inevitable.
- In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John even if the people voted that Jesus was guilty and that Barabbas was innocent, nobody can change the fact that the latter was guilty as ever. The Jews wanted Barabbas and they rejected their Messiah. Also the majority votes of the Pharisees didn't change any truth either as much as the Cardinals in the Vatican can't change truth either!
In fact, Jesus had warned concerning the majority when He said in Matthew 7:13-14 from the King James translation, "Enter ye in at the strait gate for WIDE is the gate and BROAD is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go thereat: because STRAIT is the gate and NARROW is the Way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it!" making salvation INTENSELY PERSONAL. Well if they appeal to the Good News Bible, it's really more bad news for them as this Roman Catholic translation states, "Go in through the narrow gate because the gate of Hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard and there are FEW people who find it." Why so few people? People are ruled over by pride (me, myself and I) which makes them unable to accept the hard to believe fact that only Jesus saves and man cannot save himself because of the truth of total depravity which also in turn, they appeal to join the majority crowd just because everybody has it. They are just like children who want their parents to buy me this and buy me that just because very child has one and is afraid to be left out. In short, they only go by the crowd no matter how wrong the crowd may be rather than sticking to the truth no matter how the crowd rejects it. People may elect people in office but if God wants to remove people out of office, He will!
In fact, it's so easy to go to Hell and so hard to enter Heaven as long as they continue in their love for sins, their hatred for God for everything bad that happens, they refuse to repent and they refuse to turn from sin because they love the darkness. They hate to know that if they get saved, they will get changed or they want salvation without change which makes them reject salvation. It can be hard to get saved because of that even if supposedly salvation only requires one to believe (completely rely on) in Christ (John 3:16, Romans 4:5-7, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5) but because they will not repent of their sins and worse, self-righteousness they make it difficult for themselves. That's why salvation can be a very difficult thing because of pride and self-righteousness. That's why it can be very hard to believe on Christ because the natural man hates the truths of the Bible- it takes a real hard preaching to soften their hearts to accept the Gospel by faith! But sadly only a few ever make it because the rest take the "easy path" that is works salvation is easy for them in the sense, it easily appeals to their EGO with the crowd.
Friends, salvation is no election of ballot boxes but God decides salvation in itself! God decides everything that goes on as truth, not man. But sadly man is always in constant rebellion against God until they get renewed and regenerated. Atheists want to believe that God doesn't exist even if they know God exists because they hate Him. Roman Catholics are ran by traditions and doctrines that are argued upon and voted upon by the Council of Trent like even so, they believe that the majority votes of the Cardinals is God's will to choose the supposed Vicar of Christ? Really that's how crooked the world has become. Hopefully this blog will reach more people for Christ and get more saved. Until then, the great commission is Matthew 24:14, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached and then the END SHALL COME." You can't stop the spreading of the Gospel even if majority of the world will vote against it!