Do We Keep Forgetting the Other Persons Involved in the Act of Sexual Immorality?

I was thinking of several times I have criticized several people for their unbelievably sexually immoral lives without considering the other party.  Women can criticize men for philandering but fail to see the fact that the woman was also involved and vice versa.  As said in a dance, it takes two to tango and for a party, it takes more than two.  One might want to take this into consideration- in the Bible you might read the fact that in Leviticus 20, you just don't stone the man or the woman alone, you stone EVERYBODY guilty of the offense and for one, you just don't blame one person the other who consents is just as guilty both the adulterer and the adulteress, both parties consenting to the incest, homosexuality or the orgy and so on.  In rape, only the rapist gets convicted but this is the issue where both parties consented to each other.  So far, it's sick that while licentious women are being criticized of their faults, we fail to see the man is also involved.  

In fact, you might want to know about the situation of Herod Antipas and Herodias- John the Baptist attacked them both when he condemned them BOTH for having each other in their sinful live-in relationship with each other. According to historian Josephus, Herodias was actually the daughter of Aristobulus IV who was the son of Herod of the Great with Mariamne I, and making her the half-niece of Herod Antipas and Herod Philip which makes the whole union disgusting.  The Bible in Leviticus 18:14 which says, "Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach his wife: she is thine aunt." which actually had complicated the Herod's family tree and may prove Salome was a genetic freak herself assuming Salome was fathered by Herod Philip.  So it would be wrong to just criticize Herod Antipas and leave out Herodias and vice versa since it took two of them to tango in this adulterous and incestuous relationship.