Signs of the Times... All Eyes on Israel and More!
Yup you have to keep all eyes on Israel. From the time of the War Between Israel and the Arab nations to the time Israel became a nation again in 1948, NOT YET God is done with Israel. The problem today is that many Jews still reject Jesus as the Messiah and like everybody else, They aren't-exempt They MUST be born again. This blog has also reached Israel and I am hoping that some Jews will soon be saved reading this blog. The rest of the Jewish people that refuse to get saved Either will be
Now for some interesting news
Some people believe that the lightning that struck the Vatican shortly after Benedict XVI emeritus was actually a sign of the end times. Pope Francis I last April 30, 2013 had accepted the invitation of Shimon Peres . How foolish is Israel becoming! Any concordat with the Vatican makes it will just lead to THEIR destruction. Unfortunately some Roman Catholic Jews have done their part to hide the truth behind the Roman Catholic's brutal history. That act has left the average Roman Catholic knowing nothing about their violent church history. Here's another interesting thing. Pope Francis is expecting a trip this 2014 are priority was confirmed on July 29, 2013 . Will Francis I be the final Pope that will lead the world astray to worship the Antichrist? Most likely he is a forerunner towards the False Prophet.
Called commonly as "Pastor Jun" by people who know him personally including myself has been mentioning the signs of the times. In fact, just yesterday I overheard a conversation already about people of Syria and Israel. It's no surprise Israel has been bombed, bombing and sometimes God's divine hand has Allow the bombing. For one thing, this morning's message, Pastor Jun had addressed maybe there has not even be 50 or hundreds of years more Because of the signs of the times. I really do not know about this since he's a man and I'm just a man too.
During the days that Benedict XVI announced His resignation, much apostasy was revealed. Rick Warren who I once admired (until I found out from himself that he was working with the Vatican) revealed via his Twitter account that he is an agent of the Vatican and all the more numerous times, he has exposed himself to be a dummy of the Jesuit Order. It was later that lightning struck Shown some time the Vatican During the same time Benedict XVI announced His resignation. Many Roman Catholics sadly thought this was a sign of God's approval of resignation. Friends, if the Pope is the Head of the Church where does Christ fit in? Nowhere in Scripture is Peter the Roman Catholics head sadly and keep trying to misquote Scripture to Justify staying in Babylon. In Revelation 16 (Note that St. Peter's Basilica has SIXTEEN LETTERS), lightning there is a sign of God's coming judgment never approval. Lightning symbolizes judgment of God's coming judgment Towards sinners. Obviously God has already marked the Vatican for judgment and he is calling out to people to COME OUT OF HER!
The Great Falling Away is happening
Today we have pastors who pretend to be men of God but are not as THEY DO NOT endure sound doctrine. I've noticed how many pastors have been caught on camera and loving it as They are exposed to be Jesuit and Vatican agents cooperatives even without being exposed by conspiracy theorists. The Vatican already has a good list and some of these happen to be also pastors preaching a "feel good" Gospel. These pastors are false shepherds that aren't obviously saved by THEIR doctrine. How can the true preacher of God and actually even preach Such garbage like, "Mary, Allah, Buddha, Yahweh .. we are all children of God." They have read John 8:44 They can claim if They can read Greek?! I doubt it. Right now, even Rick Warren is proof enough of apostasy with His saying God is the God of the Bible and in His welcoming of the incumbent Pope, Francis I who could be the False Prophet. To be honest, Rick Warren is already exposing himself.
Meanwhile we have the world getting ready to Receive another Jesus.
How can the Lord Jesus Himself ever and EVEN ask to be painted for the world to see? That would be a direct violation of Exodus 20:4-5 (are priority is struck out from the Catholic catechism) NOT to make any graven images for worship, are priority is EVEN in the Roman Catholic translations! Faustina's Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. Every time I see another "Divine Mercy Jesus", I can only say, "Even so come Lord Jesus." Until Christians are first taken away, the New World Order can not be formed. God must Allow the New World Order to be formed in order to finish the world of wickedness.
How can the Lord Jesus Himself ever and EVEN ask to be painted for the world to see? That would be a direct violation of Exodus 20:4-5 (are priority is struck out from the Catholic catechism) NOT to make any graven images for worship, are priority is EVEN in the Roman Catholic translations! Faustina's Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. Every time I see another "Divine Mercy Jesus", I can only say, "Even so come Lord Jesus." Until Christians are first taken away, the New World Order can not be formed. God must Allow the New World Order to be formed in order to finish the world of wickedness.
The Jesuits are most likely the head of the New World Order and most Roman Catholics choose to remain blind to the truth of the matter Because, for them, the Jesuits are just a couple of "nice men in black" When They are not. Should it be interesting that Francis Pope comes from the lineage of Jesuit priests (the spiritual coadjutors) and it's the only time in history up to present that a Pope came from the Jesuit Order Cardinals, though some were also from the Jesuit Order? Some have even the Jesuit General Called affectionately as the "Black Pope" by the media while it's a degrading term used by opponents of Catholicism (including anti-Catholic cults claiming to be Christian). An interesting turn of events is that Francis Borgia the third Jesuit General was a descendant of Alexander VI Popes one of the worst ever to sit. Some say that having a Jesuit Pope is a joyous thing. Looking at these events, Pope Francis I is currently 71 years old. He is seven years younger than During the time of the election of Benedict XVI who is retired the first Pope to resign after 600 years. Now the current Black Pope has just the right puppet to play things straight. Francis I will soon lead the world astray to worship the upcoming European Union leaders? Right now it's so close to 2015, Italy plans to settle things straight with the Middle East. Italy is the Roman Empire! The interesting fact is that Augustin Bea was also a Jesuit Cardinal Become Pope but did not at all! Compared to Pedro Arrupe and Kolvenbach Peter Hans (who has retired from his position as the Jesuit General), Adolfo Nicholas really knows how to play cards His straight!
Or perhaps what we keep on overlooking
Matthew 24:14 has another sign of the end times saying that the Gospel of the Kingdom must FIRST be published as a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. In fact, at this point, some Christians are now Faithfully witnessing and passing out Gospel tracts and THEIR doing missionary work one on one. Many books on proper evangelization are in the bookstore like D. James Kennedy's "Evangelism Explosion" or regards to well-presented Gospel tracts, I've read how some people hate them but I can not stop reading them. Looking at the saturation team reports in Bible Baptist Church, I can see how the Lord Jesus' name is spreading like wildfire. Yup, the Gospel is being preached and not even the World Youth Day with Francis I in Brazil will stop the fire.