The Problem of "1-2-3 Repeat After Me" Evangelism

This will really get me blasted by some Evangelical and Baptist churches but the truth needs be spoken. While this does not necessarily mean a person doesn't get saved but the dangers of the "1-2-3" evangelism can be very misleading to a false conversion.  This is another reason why there are Christian churches that are filled with several false converts.  Some people may say, "Well it's easy to get saved."  Yes, salvation is not of works but the facts about it are pretty hard to believe.  I mean, I remembered telling people that Christ died for them and that He is the only Way, that they are sinners and guess what, most people have a hard time believing it because of their pride.  Today we have reduced the Gospel into a "flu shot".  Here are some words Paul Washer had said that had offended some other Christians who may be prone to tolerating false converts is because, "Just because they have said a little prayer..." heresy.  While I don't have a problem if a convicted sinner will go to his or her knees repenting before God in repentance, my problem has to be this, the follow-after-me evangelism.  Follow-after-me evangelism today has led people to several false conversions and so little few ones.  What is wrong with it?  As you read through, this sermonette will help you realize we are missing vital preaching points!

There was the Roman Road method and I know that method.  However, just presenting the Roman Road without much explanation can be pretty risky which is one thing I'd say has become a real danger.  What I like about Chick tracts is that they really give illustrations of man's sinfulness.  But problem is, sinful men have a hard time believing the facts presented in the Romans Road (though I prefer use Romans 3-4 methodology).  In fact, man in his pride thinks nothing is wrong with him, he has a hard time believing that he is a sinner.  Today the 1-2-3- evangelism says, "Okay just repeat after me."  The Word of God is sown but it may result to a false conversion because the person may still have the love for sin and has not repented of their sins which is why Harry Ironside preached the sermon, "Except Ye Repent".  Some people find it easy to believe in Christ but only because maybe they're starting to get fed up with sin, somebody has evangelized to them many times but most people just don't get saved that easily because of their pride.  Sad to say, Harry Ironside is misrepresented by easy believism one way or another.  

Ray Comfort in his preaching about soulwinning actually had mentioned in both Hell's Best Kept Secret and True and False Conversion that people need to be aware they are sinners and his use of the Ten Commandments to let them be aware of James 2:10 that it only takes one sin to offend a just and righteous God.  Kirk Cameron used the illustration of the parachute and the airplane- that people need to know the reason why they are preaching Jesus. Charles Spurgeon said, "They will never accept grace until they tremble before a just and holy Law." Martin Luther had called God's Law as a mirror that reveals our sinfulness and a whip that drives men to the cross. How true indeed.  It is very necessary for people to be converted at their own will, not that they are led to Christ by well, "Just repeat after me."  Listen, a repentance from the heart is more authentic than repeat after me, though some repeat after me prayers can come from the heart because the person is convicted of sin. What Paul Washer is going against is easy-easy evangelism that is people who are being guaranteed they are saved just because they said a simple prayer. But such people began living like devils all because of this- they were not given the proper Gospel.

Easy evangelism has produced false converts.  True Romans 10:13 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." but listen, these false converts NEVER called upon the name of the Lord, they were merely pretending to do so.  Some people claim that they are already Christians just because they have prayer a sinner's prayer but their conversion was a sham, some did and are truly saved but only because they trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Just imagine this, one false convert claims to be a Christian and is still living sinfully, the other false convert claims to be a Christian but still believes that works is necessary to maintain one's salvation which is the heresy of works-maintained conditional security or is still in any fake Christian institution like Roman Catholicism, SDA, Ang Dating Daan or Mormonism to name a few.  

That's why I put several acid test measures on false converts because people who possess eternal security though they may sin and stumble however will endure to the end, they cannot remain in carnality indefinitely.  Either they are saved or not (1 John 2:19).  That's what Paul Washer, Ray Comfort and John Macarthur are talking about- true and false conversion.  In fact, one might want to notice the method Jesus used- He preached the Law, He showed men their sin and it was no "just repeat after me".  He showed the rich young ruler his sin, He showed the Samaritan woman her depraved state... that's how evangelism is so they can realize they are under the Law's condemnation.  Also believe me, it can sometimes take days or weeks before a person can get saved because they can be resistant to the Gospel but God can be gracious. In fact, it took me months to realize that I only needed to receive Christ as my Lord and Savior to be saved... I was 12 when I was preached to by Pastor Armando Borja and I rejected it, but later after being hungry for God's Word and started listening to Anabaptist sermons by Pastor Danny Bornales, I realized just how much a sinner I am and that I cannot save myself.  Then the change happened... though not instantaneously but slowly as God allowed me to be chastised while leaving unsaved people to enjoy their sins.