Come Christmas Morning... Then What Will Some Parents Answer to Their Children Who Discover Santa Claus Isn't Real?

Well I really don't expect much joy and gladness on Christmas morning as much as the idea that Jesus Christ could come again any time soon since how I long to be home with Him my Lord and Savior! For one, people have their very twisted view of Christmas. Now let's think about what some parents will soon answer when their children discover that Santa Claus isn't real, seeing that it was they who put the presents under the tree?

Although Jack T. Chick's tract "Fairy Tales" has gone over the boarder with making Harry a criminal seemingly suggesting every child who is pranked like that becomes a criminal (or will reject Christ automatically) but it does show a point on how stupid parenting is today! Well, tonight is Christmas Eve and remember there is NO Santa Claus so don't even leave milk and cookies out in the open as rats and insects will just gather on them. This is something I hope will really make those parents stop that awful Santa Claus prank all in the name of goodwill and whatever their demonic minds are thinking!

Looking at this, this is how children can be when they discover that their parents who promised that they would never lie to them, lied to them. What was supposed to that Santa Claus is just an imaginary character, why are parents convincing children that he is a real person all as a "fantasy game"? It's not even a fantasy game anymore, it's more of a cruel prank that destroys them for life. A fantasy game is when like for example I pretend to be Santa Claus and yet the child knows Santa Claus isn't real, he might be pretending to be the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy and we are all aware they aren't real characters like playing a game of animals. We all know the characters aren't real.

Under the guise of fantasy, parents have deceived their own children and it could soon turn children distrustful to their parents and to seek the wrong company as well. I mean, the childhood years are very crucial to the development and unfortunately, the whole Santa Claus myth will always remain a harmful prank all these years.