Is It Okay for Christians to Celebrate Christmas?
This is pretty much a debate especially among Christians. For one, there was a time I didn't want to celebrate Christmas any longer but I decided to myself, it is okay to celebrate Christmas even if the Puritans outlawed it to themselves. Not celebrating Christmas at the basis because the date December 25 was set by Roman Catholicism and because of its origins is genetic fallacy. The reason not to celebrate something is not because of the source but rather, the Bible is the parameter of right and wrong. Pastor Ruben L. Lumagbas Jr. had begun his first Sunday sermon on a real Christmas message on Isaiah 7:14.
For me, it would be okay to celebrate Christmas because of the reason found in John 3:16 the Gospel center that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son. In Isaiah 7:14, we read that the promise of the virgin birth. Although it's impossible for Jesus to be born on December 25 due to the fact that it would be too cold for the shepherds to gather. When I think of December after I have thrown away the worldly concept of Christmas like only thinking of gifts and parties, it would be time to reflect on the reason for every season, the Lord Jesus Christ!
So how then should Christians celebrate Christmas if they wish to do so? Here's a few tips to celebrate a Christ-centered Christmas.
1.) DO NOT mix the worldly concept of Christmas.
That's right, remove Santa Claus overall as it's a serious deception to children who easily believe things that adults (especially their elders) tell them. Forget about that it's a special day that nothing can go wrong kind of thinking. Avoid extravagant parties and booze. It should be the season to double tribute to Christ the Savior than usual. Instead, one should be singing songs like "Hark the Herald" and "All Come All Ye Faithful" instead of songs like "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". Skip extravagant parties, you can have ham or any Christmas food but don't celebrate lavishly. Remember give double devotion to the Lord Jesus on Christmas!
2.) Use it as the time to do more good than usual.
That is while Christians can do more than the usual feeding projects. Make it a time to bond together with the people that were helped. That is, make it a refresher for the people. Christmas is the time to get together with the family and have a Christmas bonus, nothing wrong with that. I really suggest that this is the time to make the charity contribution double even if no calamity occurs. I am glad that giving is an all year round thing but why not give double on Christmas? After all, there's the 13th month pay, there is the bonus and well, there are poor people who are so hopeless on Christmas so use it as the opportunity to show more kindness than the usual year around kindness.
3.) Make it the time to really focus on topical Bible study.
I know Pastor John F. MacArthur usually goes around verse by verse, chapter by chapter quite sequentially but he also at times purposely skips the order for special seasons like Holy Week or Christmas. I was thinking that this is also the time to remember Christ's incarnation in His humanity and all the promises in Scripture.
4.) Above all, soulwinning.
Christians can start sending gifts to loved ones with Gospel tracts either from Ray Comfort's Living Waters or Chick tract "This Was Your Life" or any specific tract that the unsaved must hear. If there are carolers or Santa-wannabes, give them the Gospel tracts. I'm glad that some churches have started ordering Chick tracts or any other useful Gospel tracts to give out to people all year long and an extra supply during the "-ber" months.