A Call to Boycotting Apostate Baptist Unions!
One of the reasons why I am for organizational independence in the Local New Testament churches is because, one no man can Earth can be an earthly head of it. Rather, the unity of Christians is spiritual and not physical. That is the only central government the Church has is Heaven and the only Head is Christ Jesus Himself not the Pope, not the Mormon mission president, not the Watchtower President, only Jesus Himself is the Head of the Church. That is how apostolic succession happens, continuing the missionary work and not by the so-called Seat of Peter. Now I'd like to really talk about the apostate Baptist unions and sad to say, some of them were linked to preachers who I used to admire.
So here Pastor David Cloud a Baptist (despite his non-Calvinistic view and I don't really think I'm a real Calvinist but he has embraced Calvinist Christians as brothers in Christ even if he's a strong KJV only like I am though thank God he is not a Baptist Brider) has actually written some what could be sad truths about the Hyles legacy. In fact, before you start pointing out fingers watch your own yard first. It's a sad thing that some Independent Baptists have been pointing fingers too much at pedophile priests who claim to be holy men who can forgive sins (who are doing cover up) while failing at the responsibility of pointing fingers at apostates in their camp and covering up the dirt in their camp rather than throwing it out of their camp. I haven't really read too much of Hyles but I was disappointed after giving some rather strong words at the video "The Burning Hell" but Pastor David Cloud has done some research to which I wish I could converse with him on it. I still want to have these allegations investigated but there's some meat underneath the articles he had written against Jack Hyles.
Now here's one thing I read from David W. Cloud from the articled "The Fruit of Hylesism" which says, "Being the products of shallow evangelism, many of these have never been biblically converted. They have prayed a sinner's prayer but haven't been converted. Having never had a real and dynamic relationship with Christ, they are man-followers, and when the man fails, they are offended and quit, sometimes blaming Christ and the church for something that is man's fault alone." It's a sad fact sad to say. I was a Roman Catholic before, I did pray the sinner's prayer and then still kept going to the Roman Catholic Church. I was still signing decision cards but I was still confessing to the Jesuit priests that ran the parish. Sad to say, but that was truth. It wasn't until I heard a hard preaching from an Anabaptist Pulpit (though I'm now having issues with them as well because the pastor is pretty quarrelsome) and really hard, I realized I really was in the wrong. I was truly converted after that leading from rejecting false doctrine to having a strong stand of right and wrong, and a hatred for sin.
In fact, I used to read one its sites that even say that a believer can live like the rest of the world. In fact, Baptist churches that tolerate false conversions may even have an unsaved pastor sad to say. It also reminded me how somebody I know supposedly converted from Roman Catholicism to biblical Christianity, he even got baptized but he won his wife to Catholicism. Quite different from the other case where a Sunday school teacher backslid, married a Roman Catholic but after she was restored from that state proving she was really saved, won him to the Lord.
This just reminded me of Pastor Paul Washer to why he was kicked out from the SBC. Some Southern Baptist churches aren't responsible anymore. Why do they tolerate such a whore in doing what she does and not kicking her out? I have no reason to believe that those "Baptist" whores are truly converted especially with all the lewd filth they promote in the name of Christ. He is right when he says that this easy prayerism thing is leading more people to Hell than anything today because it leads to a false conversion to just anyone. People just repeat after me, blah, then say aha aha then they seem to get converted. But after that, they live like devils but are still embraced.
Pastor Paul Washer blasted such thinking, "False prophets will pay!" In fact, after that so-called "one moment in my life" the person still lives in so much sin, no real repentance, no whatsoever... how can that person be truly saved? In some of Washer's sermons, I really am glad he gives a stand to what eternal security is that it is not a license to sin, rather that those who are truly saved in Christ will not completely fall away but endure to the end. It's not easy really to make a stand, it has a cost but the cost is worth it when a person sees Jesus.