Conspiracy Theories Can Disrupt Christian Missions!

Conspiracy theories are a serious threat to Christian missions.  When Jesus commissioned the Apostles, He did not say, "Go therefore and search for conspiracy theories." but instead He said, "Go ye therefore and preach the Gospel to every creature."  Which is, Christians are called to preach the Gospel, not engage in the dabble of conspiracy theories.  The focus of Christianity is preaching the Gospel.  The focus is to make people know they are sinners that they may repent and believe the Gospel.  It's to call people to repent, not to dwell in conspiracy theories.

For one, it's very easy to get distracted with conspiracy theories.  There is a difference between a conspiracy fact vs. a conspiracy theory.  A conspiracy theory is nothing but endless speculations.  On the other hand, a conspiracy fact is something that has already been exposed.  The problem with conspiracy theory programs is that most of them are unproven myths.  They are vain imaginations that must be cast down because they are an utter waste of time.  

A common problem also with conspiracy theories is that it leaves people paranoid to their surroundings.  It is also a huge hindrance to the agenda of soulwinning.  Conspiracy theorists are paranoid at best and they tend to forget to read the Bible in exchange for a dose of conspiracy theories which only feeds on their fear.  They end up with their, "Oh it must be the Jesuits." when in truth, the whole poisoning was actually nothing more than a random food poisoning.  Not everything that happens is caused by the Illuminati, the Opus Dei, the Jesuit Order, Communists, Nazis or the Vatican as a whole.  While it's certainly proven by Charles Chiniquey a former Roman Catholic priest that Lincoln was assassinated by Jesuit agents but some assassinations are just randomly done, not all of them are Jesuit orchestrated. 

The key to soulwinning the lost is never with revealing conspiracy theories but Bible preaching.  That is why I have dropped conspiracy theories as a whole.  While it's certainly Biblical to reveal the truth, remember the truth will reveal itself in due time.  The only way to drive out Jesuit infiltration if any is to be strongly rooted upon the Word of God.  A strong Bible preaching is more effective than conspiracy theories about the New World Order.  Conspiracy theories on the other hand don't preach the Gospel, they just simply block the Gospel from unbelievers.  Unbelievers need to know more about the salvation message than revealing all the secret activities of the Jesuit Order.  Some former Jesuit priests turned Christians didn't become Christians because of knowing the secret activities or history of their order, it was because of the Gospel.  They only exposed the secrets of the Jesuits as a result of their salvation.

So how should Jesuit infiltration and Illuminati activities be dealt with?  Although the Jesuits are certainly the pinnacle of the Vatican's power and I believe they are responsible for many of the world's events, remember that God's Word is much stronger than they are.  The Jesuit priest is still entitled to hear the Gospel as much as every lost sinner.  What can be done aside from having the courage to preach against Roman Catholicism to use the Bible as the only basis of right and wrong.  Preach the Word, in and out of season to the lost.  Sharing the testimonies of former Jesuit priests like Victor Affonso and Bob Bush would also be nice... but remember a Bible-centered Christian is a much bigger threat to the evil of their day than a conspiracy theorist who is not rooted on God's Word.  Besides, who knows the next person to be won to the Lord Jesus Christ may be a Jesuit operative or an Illuminati member... which God's Word is the only thing sharp enough to uncover deception and reveal the truth.