Parental Lying Teaches Lying to Children!
One of the worst methods of parenting these days is parental lying. Considering that the "-ber" months are already here, come Halloween and Christmas and more lies are coming. From the fictional monsters of the satanic holiday of Halloween (which Martin Luther countered with the Reformation) to the lie that is Santa Claus. And one of the worst lies that a child can be told by a parent who lies are "We never lie." or "We didn't teach you to lie."
Then there's the excuse to say, "Well Santa Claus is just a white lie." Unless a lie was made for a military reason like Rahab hiding the Israelite spies, a lie will always be bearing false witness. There are no white lies. All lies are black. And one thing parents tend to ignore is the parent/child relationship. And for one, Santa Claus to the child may mean the whole world to them. Children love their Santa, they believe that the Santa Claus in the department store is the real Santa. For them, they fell in line to talk to Santa Claus, not just some man in a red suit and a fake beard!
So what goes on with parental lying? There's the statement that actions always speak louder than words. Spanking is essential to discipline but can be rendered useless by a bad example. Example is the best teacher. Jesus taught by example. Even heathen teachers like Buddha and Confucius taught by example. A learning environment is never created by just words, it shows by examples. If parents refuse to set good examples then don't expect the children to grow up right. What's the use of scolding the child not to throw tantrums in public if the parents do the same anyway? The same goes for parental lying... it teaches children to lie.
Lying to a three or four year old may not take effect yet. However the problem can go from ages five to seven. Based on what I have started to observe as a child lied to about the "existence" of Santa Claus, this is the age that chronic lying can be taught. When I discovered Santa Claus wasn't real by age ten and having been lied to about it from age three to nine, it created the seeds for lying. The child may even lie as a desire to get even or to prevent the parents from being upset. It's just like whenever a responsible adult tells a child Santa Claus doesn't exist, the parent invents another story and deceitfully uses it as truth. Then they even wonder why the child keeps lying and still think Santa Claus lies are just clean fun.
If children are to be taught honesty, it's time to throw away very last lying to the pits of Hell. Children as young as three must be taught the consequences of their actions. Like for example, fearing spanking and fearing the bad guy on the road... is more effective than the boogeyman scare because the boogeyman isn't real. Rewarding children directly on Christmas for being good all year long is a better motivation than lying to them that Santa Claus will bring them their goodies if they were good. Please parents, stop with all your so-called white lies already!