How Not to Argue About Santa Claus Being a Fraud
I know I'm really on fire against parents lying about Santa Claus to their kids. However let us be aware of a few things that we need to be aware on how not to argue against Santa Claus as a non-existent sham and a dangerous impostor of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is going to be a very important thing to understand that every argument and defense must be logical.
Now let's think about the SANTA and SATAN letters. I know that Aleistar Crowley a master satanist used anagrams but then again, anagrams are NOT created by the Church of Satan or Satanists. Sanat Kumara is a new age god but even without Sanat and just Kumara, and no matter what name the idol takes even if the idol uses the name Christus (after Christ), it is still an idol. Now let's think of how the anagram actually works.
Why is the anagram argument weak? Now let's take a look at words with same letters but have different meanings. For example:
- Dog is God spelled backwards... and yet the two have different meanings.
- Vile and evil mean the same but live (also having the same letters) does not mean evil.
- Lived and Devil have the same letters but mean differently. It does not mean every time I say lived, I am calling the Devil.
- Liver and viler have the same letters. However viler means to be more vile, the liver refers to the internal organ of the body.
- Mode and dome have the same letters but mean differently.
- Node and done have the same letters but mean differently.
Now let us think of a few things of the use of the word Santa. Santa is also a girl's name and it also means Saint in older languages. Now doesn't mean that a girl is named Santa which later became the world for a female saint, does not make a person a Satanist. Also you have the words like Santa Fe, Santa Ana... but it doesn't make the residents of the place as Satanists.
The same can also go for the name LUCAS. Now Claus and Lucas have the same letters. Some say that Lucas also means Lucifer. But the argument is pretty invalid for this reason. Did you know that Lucas is Latin for Luke? That means every time a copy of a Latin Bible is given, the name of dear St. Luke is written as LUCAS. To argue again that Santa Claus is the Devil because of Lucas, then again you know Satanists also copy a lot. Human sacrifice didn't start with the Satanist movement, pagan religions under Satan already started them way before Anton La Vey was born. Likewise, they just chose to associate Lucas with Lucifer. Now don't tell me that the Latins were invoking Lucifer every time they wrote Luke as Lucas?
Instead, this is what should be done. Never mind if Santa Claus is called Sinterklaas, Kris or whatever... the same character is the same fraud. Instead, one must focus on that he is a fraud cleverly cooked up to replace Jesus in the hearts of children on Christmas. I know that Dial the Truth ministries has presented a well thorough document against the deception of Santa Claus but the whole Santa/Satan argument is simply a very terribly weak argument to prove that Santa Claus is a demonic impostor.