Conspiracy Theorists Usually Bring More Gossip than the Truth!

Why I have dropped conspiracy theories altogether is because it's usually nothing but gossips. Gossipers only want to make themselves look good and they speak of the fault and failings of others or reveal potentially embarrassing or shameful details. Most of the time, it's done for the sake of being good even if it means to exaggerate the truth. Just notice how gossip compared to the real truth becomes more and more popular. The same goes with how conspiracy theorists are with their TV programs... they are very quick to raise gossip often mixed with sensationalism just to gain an audience. Worse, some of them even quote from the Bible which is strongly against gossip. Verses like Proverbs 11:12-13, 18:7-8, 20:19, 21:23, and 1 Timothy 4:12-13 are usually avoided while bragging Proverbs 28:1 ignoring Proverbs 27:12... a lion may be bold it does not make itself immediately known before it attacks its prey.

I have noticed how most conspiracy theorists don't really care about the truth even if they know the truth. When somebody questions their credibility, they are quick to create more gossip about the attacker and make sure it becomes as viral as possible to make themselves look good. They will make sure that the next "Google search" will be on them presumably they just love all that attention for them and they want to see the person who questions them destroyed. They also want to accept the "convenient truth" than the whole truth and worse, they play the games using the logic of false dilemma (ex. There is the tendency for them to immediately say that so and so is working for the Jesuits or any occult organization with very little or no proof). They usually stick to one or two alternatives even when there are more alternatives or they are only using guilt by association fallacies (ex. Hislop's book "The Two Babylons" is really full of logical fallacies while arguing the truth that Roman Catholicism isn't biblical compared to Anthony Pezzotta's book "Truth Encounter") or worse, strawman arguments to make themselves look like they have won.

What can be so amazing is also how anti-Catholic conspiracy theorists (most of them are not even saved at all) can hate the Jesuits so much and the Vatican but they are in a similar kind of error as their opponents. In their quest to say, "So and so is working for the Jesuits." or "That guy is really a Jesuit priest!" even if they know deep within their twisted minds that they are making things up just to cause trouble, even if they know it's just a lie, they are actually stooping down to the level of Vatican agents. They can go ahead and say that the Jesuits are masters of deception (which is true) but they are also suffering from the double standard because they themselves are con artists. What is amazing is that a true Bible-believing, God-fearing Christian who is truly saved can be maligned by both anti-Catholic conspiracy theorists on one side and by a Vatican agent (especially by a slick Jesuit priest or an agent of a Jesuit priest) on the other side. At the same time, I don't spend my time exposing Jesuit agents, the Jesuit agents just keep exposing themselves by their rotten fruit like habitual sexual immorality, telling people to accept the Roman Catholic institution as Christian and two, I view them just as lost as every other lost person, they are mission field not shooting targets!

I could also bring why the anti-Catholic conspiracy theorists are no better than the Jesuits or the Inquisition. The Inquisition itself would look like a rehash of the corrupt Sanhedrin that broke 18 Jewish laws to put Jesus to death - most of their trials happen at the dead of night, they are hasty and they use one unethical mean after the other to make the person confess. The Jesuits were slick in how they would train certain people, find a weak spot and they would create gossip to make themselves look good. While the Jesuits may appear holy and righteous before men but they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Sad to say but anti-Catholic conspiracy theorists are just stooping down to the level of the Jesuits with their childish games laced with guilty by association or the false dilemma arguments, while they appear to be righteous and holy, they too are just as dirty as the Jesuits. I do not find it all so surprising either to know that there are anti-New World Order pages but they are either works salvationists, Arminians, or Antinomians. They are on the same road to Hellfire as the Jesuits and every other unsaved person!

Sad to say but even simple logic is something that is not very common among even among the adult people of today that's why they buy the lies that defeat common sense such as the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation, the typical argument that idolaters don't worship the image but the one portrayed by the image, the idea of atheistic evolution where even without real evidence (even just a small piece of a tooth is used as "evidence") they still buy it anyway, they simply say, "Oh wait, that person is a follower of Dagon." because of the fish symbol even if the person was really a member of a fisherman's club or some Christian ministries use the fish symbol and they don't worship Dagon. I have noticed also how much percentage of the world really does not use its common sense for most of the time. You may observe how a typical modern-day American or a modern-day Filipino just buys the gossip because somebody said it, rather than investigate for the truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 says to prove all things, hold fast to which is good. That is, do not believe gossip just because it's popular. Don't immediately believe a Google search or warning just because it's gone viral. No matter how popular gossip is, a lie will always be a lie and a truth will always be a truth. All I can say is let the unfair critics unfairly criticize, let them sharpen their goose quills and spread gossip, just hold fast to everything that is good and holy, just don't mind them and keep looking up to God. Besides, I should start to feel awkward and out of place if I am not getting hated for doing what is right in God's sight instead of getting hated for doing what is wrong in God's sight. The world is always more than ready to accept the most immoral person but when a Christian falls into error and sin, they will always find a way to grill that person in the flames of hypocrisy. Having been elected and predestined, I can only say that the fight will be a long one but by God's grace, I will endure to the end even if I may stumble, He will always find a way to bring me back!