Martin Luther on Faith and Works
Many go ahead and roar that the Protestant Christians and in extension Baptist Christians beleive that the doctrine of Sola Fide leads to Antinomianism. On the contrary, have they really read the whole statements of the Reformation? Many misquote James 2 to insist that salvation is not by faith alone without fully understanding that James had to say. Instead, Martin Luther here speaks the truth that true faith in Christ does not set us free from works but rather from the false opinion that we are saved by works. What did Luther mean instead?
Luther insisted that although salvation is by faith alone, it is never by a faith that is alone. Luther also wrote that even this faith is never alone. He wrote, "When we have thus taught faith in Christ, then we also teach good works. Because thou hast laid hold upon Christ by faith, through whom thou art made righteous, begin now to work well. Love God and thy neighbor, call upon God, give thanks unto Him, praise Him, confess Him. Do good to thy neighbor and serve Him: fulfill thine office. These are good works indeed which flow out of this faith."
See also:
Luther insisted that although salvation is by faith alone, it is never by a faith that is alone. Luther also wrote that even this faith is never alone. He wrote, "When we have thus taught faith in Christ, then we also teach good works. Because thou hast laid hold upon Christ by faith, through whom thou art made righteous, begin now to work well. Love God and thy neighbor, call upon God, give thanks unto Him, praise Him, confess Him. Do good to thy neighbor and serve Him: fulfill thine office. These are good works indeed which flow out of this faith."
See also: