The Idea Homosexuality Harms No One is a Huge Lie From the Pits of Hell!

Homosexuals have their tendency to say that if I am not affected by what they do personally then I should just shut up and leave them alone.  They say that they are just a "normal loving couple" and that their activities are "perfectly safe".  They may be able to deceive the public with false statistics but God cannot be fooled.  I can be fooled, I can fall into doubt but my God is greater than all my weaknesses.  The picture above this paragraph shows some facts from Christian Apologetics Research Ministries on some documented research on how homosexuality harms those who practice it.

A lot of painful facts really need to be addressed when it comes to homosexual activities.  Every sin has its consequence that is why God hates sin.  God hates sin because of the harm it brings.  God is not trying to be a cosmic killjoy when He forbids homosexuality because He knows the consequences it will bring to those who practice it.  Instead, He is doing so in order to protect people from its consequences.  God gave the Ten Commandments so neither you nor me can harm each other.  Problem is, people enjoy committing sin but get mad when they are the victims of other people committing sin which is nothing more than being double-minded (James 1:8).  

Even with the facts and figures out, these reprobates continue to insist in what they are doing to be right and acceptable.  It is just like a person who eats anything that is not supposed to be eaten, he knows that it is garbage then he complains why he gets terribly ill.  You cannot eat anything unclean or dirty and not expect your body to have any kind of negative reaction towards it.  They cannot expect that they can do all their revolting sexual activities and not suffer from the consequences of it.  When they are warned, it is not about the person giving the warning but it is about them.  They have to be warned because they are on their way to destruction.  Then again many of them are bound to say, "Do not judge me."  Which is sad considering on Judgment Day, some Christians will have tears saying, "I warned you but you said do not judge me."

See also: