Unsaved Scoffers Still Laugh at the Bible While Prophecy Fulfills Before Their Very Eyes
Truth is truth no matter how so few agree. Falsehood is falsehood though everybody agrees. Those are two timeless truths that can't be changed by the majority or minority. There are many times that the minority has been right over the majority. It's not because they're the minority or the majority that makes them right. The real truth of the matter is that facts will always be facts even if everyone chooses not to believe it. Matthew 7:13-14 warns that so few people ever enter into life and there are more people entering into Hell than Heaven.
The issue right now is that prophecy is happening before their very eyes. They can go ahead and mock the Bible because nobody got wealthy being faithful to it except if God allows. The Bible may not contain every detail about the future like when the economy will be good or bad but it certainly tells you of what to expect. Acts 1:7 already tells people that no specific dates will ever be told to the Christian of when and where. Matthew 24:26 warns that no man may know but the Father only. Even if the Bible won't tell Christians how to become billionaires and popular men but its accuracy can't be disproved yet so many still choose to harden their hearts. Even after they read the Bible and the newspaper and it matches why do they still refuse to believe it? It can remind anyone of the Pharaoh of the Exodus who saw all the signs and wonders yet chose to remain stubborn.
Prophecy is already unfolding before one's eyes. A lot of passages in the New Testament have given a good idea of what will happen at the end of days. Wars, famines, earthquakes, economic disasters, immorality on the rise and yet people still choose to dismiss it as mere coincidence. It's not mere coincidence if the doctor discovered you had a tumor. The same is going on with the Bible. It's been predicted and now it's happening yet people will still not choose to believe it. The Book of Revelation was given to John not to merely frighten people but to warn people of what's to come. Yet the bitter irony is that Revelation also shows how many people will choose to ignore the warning.
It's not really surprising at how unsaved scoffers laugh at the Bible. While they laugh at it, 2 Peter 3:3 already predicted that they will be there in the last days. They're fulfilling prophecy without knowing it. Remember that Noah was laughed at for 120 years straight while he built the Ark. Remember that Elijah already foretold that there won't be rain for three years in the Northern Kingdom but Ahab chose to believe that Baal's anger caused the drought. Jezebel herself saw the prophecies from Elijah and Micaiah coming true yet she refused to repent. Remember Jeremiah was laughed at and persecuted severely during his ministry even if the signs were coming to pass. Even after the Babylonian Captivity came to place as Jeremiah foretold by God's power, people still chose to remain disobedient. Remember that the Apostle John wrote Revelation while in bitter bondage as an exile in the Island of Patmos. The Christian can't expect to be in any better position than those before them.
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The issue right now is that prophecy is happening before their very eyes. They can go ahead and mock the Bible because nobody got wealthy being faithful to it except if God allows. The Bible may not contain every detail about the future like when the economy will be good or bad but it certainly tells you of what to expect. Acts 1:7 already tells people that no specific dates will ever be told to the Christian of when and where. Matthew 24:26 warns that no man may know but the Father only. Even if the Bible won't tell Christians how to become billionaires and popular men but its accuracy can't be disproved yet so many still choose to harden their hearts. Even after they read the Bible and the newspaper and it matches why do they still refuse to believe it? It can remind anyone of the Pharaoh of the Exodus who saw all the signs and wonders yet chose to remain stubborn.
Prophecy is already unfolding before one's eyes. A lot of passages in the New Testament have given a good idea of what will happen at the end of days. Wars, famines, earthquakes, economic disasters, immorality on the rise and yet people still choose to dismiss it as mere coincidence. It's not mere coincidence if the doctor discovered you had a tumor. The same is going on with the Bible. It's been predicted and now it's happening yet people will still not choose to believe it. The Book of Revelation was given to John not to merely frighten people but to warn people of what's to come. Yet the bitter irony is that Revelation also shows how many people will choose to ignore the warning.
It's not really surprising at how unsaved scoffers laugh at the Bible. While they laugh at it, 2 Peter 3:3 already predicted that they will be there in the last days. They're fulfilling prophecy without knowing it. Remember that Noah was laughed at for 120 years straight while he built the Ark. Remember that Elijah already foretold that there won't be rain for three years in the Northern Kingdom but Ahab chose to believe that Baal's anger caused the drought. Jezebel herself saw the prophecies from Elijah and Micaiah coming true yet she refused to repent. Remember Jeremiah was laughed at and persecuted severely during his ministry even if the signs were coming to pass. Even after the Babylonian Captivity came to place as Jeremiah foretold by God's power, people still chose to remain disobedient. Remember that the Apostle John wrote Revelation while in bitter bondage as an exile in the Island of Patmos. The Christian can't expect to be in any better position than those before them.
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