Allow Homosexual Marriages and FACE the Downfall of FAMILY LIFE!

Don't LET homosexuality ruin that beautiful family picture above!

Note: We will NOT use the term "gay" for homosexuality. Gay means to be happy and joyful while homosexual fits sodomy right- homo means "the same" therefore to be a homosexual is to do it with the same sex.

Homosexuals are demanding for the right to a same sex marriage. However we would like to point out the fact that BEFORE they even start bringing up the "homosexual Jesus heresy" on our face, then would the Lord Jesus say this, "And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them MALE AND FEMALE? And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh?" in Matthew 19:4 and Mark 10:6 before anybody throws in the argument of false dilemma to defend their homosexuality.

So why does homosexual marriage bring down family life?

1.) First and foremost God designed the bodies of male and female for EACH OTHER. God made Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve. The male sex organ was meant for the female sex organ in the bonds of a legitimate marriage. The sperm cell was made for the egg cell. Homosexuals engage in unnatural sexual acts such as oral sex and anal sex, both sure roads to destruction and a clear picture of a Christless lifestyle.

2.) Homosexual marriages goes against the procreation of children. There is NO WAY that by any natural means that a homosexual couple can naturally produce a child. A woman does NOT produce sperm and a man does not have a uterus PLUS a man's sex organ is different from that of a woman, therefore it's IMPRACTICAL for the man to be designed to get pregnant (except for the seahorse). It is counterproductive to the human race because if men and women refuse their roles, the population will inevitably curb abnormally!

3.) In the homosexual family, it violates the need for the children to have a male father and a female mother. Okay I am NOT against adoption of children but for homosexual couples it's different. For example a heterosexual couple would adopt an orphan then the orphan though they may not be his/her real parents has both role models of male and female. On the other hand, children adopted in homosexual homes are born into a world of confusion therefore NOBODY is ever born a homosexual. Plus we would like to state the fact that NOBODY is ever born homosexual.

Plus we would like to say this is NOT criminal discrimination BUT righteous discrimination. Why? What is wrong must ALWAYS be discriminated NO MATTER WHAT!