The Stones Cry Out

And He answered and said unto them, "I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."- Luke 19:40

How true indeed. If the Christians should at least hold their peace, the stones will cry out. What stones? Historical evidence of course that the prophecies have been happening. Here are some of the examples as presented by Presbyterian minister Pastor D. James Kennedy taken from the book "Why I Believe" in chapter 2 entitled as "The Stones Cry Out":

1.) Dr. Flinders Petrie in 1890 had figured out several things to confirm the Bible while on a voyage in Egypt. It was through this by discovering that Amraphel was actually King Hammurabi who with thee other kings attacked the kings by the Dead Sea, where Sodom and Gomorrah would be to verify the narrative of Genesis 14.

2.) Dr. Hugo Winckler went to the area to dig where the Hittites discovered forty of their cities and later, found many evidence of the Hittites especially with the treaty.

3.) Back to Dr. Flinders Pietre, he also found something in the sites of Pithom and Rameses in Egypt which there were bricks built with mortar. The lower layers were built of bricks that used stubble instead of straw and the second and upper layers were bricks made without straw.

4.) Prof. John Garstrang a British archeologist and specialist on the Hittite civilization, stated, "As for the main fact there remains no doubt that the walls fell outward so completely that the attackers would be able to clamber up and over the ruins in the city."

5.) Dr. Williams F. Albright of Johns Hopkins University also had the statement, "Until recently it was the fashion among biblical historians to treat the patriarchal sagas of Genesis as though they were artificial creations of Israelite scribes of the time of the divided monarchy. Or perhaps they were tales told by imaginative rhapsodists around Israelite campfires. Archaeological discoveries since 1925 have changed all of this. Aside from a few diehards among older scholars there is scarcely a single biblical historian who has not been impressed by the rapid accumulation of data supporting the substantial historicity of the patriarchal tradition." He also said, "There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament tradition."

6.) Sir William Ramsay a former atheist who had a Ph. D from Oxford was determined to use his degree in archeology to disprove the Book of Acts. He went to Israel to do so but instead, he found substantial evidences that converted him to Christianity.

7.) In the city of Ur, it was later discovered of four clay tablets of King Nabonidus and later they found the temple of the moon god which contained a prayer for the king's son Belshazzar, whom before critic Dean Farrar said there was no such king. It was discovered that Nabonidus jointly ruled with Belshazzar. In one of the cylinders it was discovered that the Persian army led by Gobryas entered Babylon and overthrow Babylon.

8.) Sir Frederic Kenyon of the British Museum said that archaeology has confirmed Scripture. Nelson Glueck a renowned Jewish archaeologist said, "It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference the almost incredibly accurate historical memory of the Bible, particularly when we see that it is fortified by historical fact."

Books that were used by Pastor James Kennedy in his research:
  • Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict (San Bernardino, California, Campus Crusade for Christ, 1972)
  • R.A. Torrey, The Higher Criticism and the New Theology
  • William F. Albright, The Archeology of Palestine (New York: Pelican Books, Penguin Books)
  • William F. Albright, The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra (New York: Harper and Row, 1960)