God's Reason for Destroying Whole Civilizations is JUST AND FAIR!

It has come to mind that a defense against the accusation of God being unjust in destroying civilizations has been challenged by skeptics (and mostly atheists) accuse God of being a dictator, a bully and not to mention an insane megalomaniac for doing so which can be found in the writings of atheist writers whose salvation the members of this blog are still praying for as well as many of their cult followers like the blasphemous books "The God Delusion" or "Farewell to God".  Now it's time to present the case of God to His reasons for doing so according to the TRUTH.  Also this ministry would like to point out the people in this ministry DO NOT agree to the heretical views of the the Westboro Baptists who believe that God is a dictator that teach that God hates sinners and takes pleasure in destroying them as Ezekiel 18:23 says that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  He will do what what He must but He takes no pleasure in doing so if it comes to dealing with the wicked.
So what was the TRUE PURPOSE of God doing such extreme measures?  So first let's review some of God's divine judgment on the WICKED:

Note: When people reject the grace of God and choose to do it THEIR WAY, and establish their own righteousness, they will continue to fall into sin.  Like it or not, God's grace is the only reason why Christians do good works.  God rejecting people are ultimately the reason why evil lurks in society- even in progressive countries. 

The global flood- It can be seen in some atheist blogs that calls Noah's ark to be nothing more than God's fickleness.  However Genesis 6:5 says that the Earth was but filled with EVIL continually.  The whole Earth was drowning into chaos.  However God gave them the warning even before the flood and NONE of them believed Him and He gave them 100 years to change their minds about sin and God.

Sodom and Gomorrah- Genesis 13:13 and later 18:20 records its inhabitants to be exceedingly wicked.  Recorded in history is that both cities were involved with the worship of sex, sodomy and every form of wickedness imaginable.  Why did homosexuality really hit Sodom?  Simple- they were God rejecting and homosexuality can become the end result of God rejecting societies (Romans 1:26-27).  Idolatry will always lead to more evil, salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ will lead to better lives by God's grace.  Sodom was exceedingly wicked.  Today, America suffers a similar fate to many Catholic countries of having Sodom and Gomorrah all over again- and homosexuality is booming like crazy that it should disturb any Christian!

The destruction of the Canaanites- Leviticus 18:25 declares God's judgment that the Canaanites have already defiled the land.  The land was filled with several hateful practices that in Leviticus 18:28 that the Israelites were told to NEVER learn the ways of the Canaanites and it was re-affirmed in Deuteronomy 18:9-14 that they were to be dispossessed.  The word cannibal is also derived from Canaan and Baal and historically speaking, aside from sorcery, bestiality, homosexuality and idolatry- many of the inhabitants were cannibals and also with child sacrifice.  The land was BAD influence to surrounding kingdoms.  Plus, God gave them time to repent but they did not (Genesis 15:15-16).

The destruction of the Amalekites- They were also a wicked bunch.  In 1 Samuel 15:33 the evil King Agag was charged with making women childless too

So what about killing the children?  Good question.  First it was Jewish standard that in any war they engaged, they always sounded a trumpet and there was a declaration period so any of the old, sick and the children can flee.  Every one who stubbornly opposed God's judgment were finished. For example, Rahab should have perished but her transferring from the idolatry of Canaan to the worship of the one true God saved her or the Gibeonites though they started of as deceivers, were a picture of Gentile salvation.  Also we would like to point out that how parents raise their children determines the outcome.  Infants when they die don't need to be saved, they immediately go to the LORD and plus, they were ultimately saved from becoming what their parents were.

On the other hand, what becomes REALLY CRAZY is that while these people call God to be petty are cruel are the ones being petty and cruel.  Why?  Well take a look at MANY Communist countries in which they carry out the principle of no good, no evil and nothing but pitiless indifference with government sponsored abortions, extreme taxation and genocide against its own people... just like the very civilizations that God destroyed!