When Christians Study Their Bible Diligently, They'll Be A Greater Threat to the Evil of THIS DAY Than It Is a Threat to Them!
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Remember SWORD means "Scriptural Warning Over Religious Deception" |
2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." And how true. Ephesians 6:17 calls the Word of God to be the Sword of the Spirit. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God to be quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. It was because of the power of the Scriptures that the forces of darkness decided to keep it away. But God's Word is not bound.
However here's the big problem today with most Christians- they are NOT consistently studying God's Word so when religious deception comes to take over, they are not ready to answer when people ask for questions. 1 Peter 3:14-16 says that Christians are to be happy for their suffering for the Lord Jesus Christ and not to be afraid, rather sanctifying the LORD God in their hearts, being in good conscience that they are to be ready to answer every man that questions them which will put anybody who tries to put down the cause of Christ to shame. So it's very important that the Bible is read at a DAILY BASIS and asking for God's grace so Christians will always be ready to answer and ward off against the evils of this day. Remember it's NOT by might, not by power but by the Holy Spirit says the LORD God in Zechariah 4:6.
One good reason to study the Bible is because Satan's blinded frequently attack its credibility and the reality of Christianity. We've got the obviously non-Christian groups like the atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Taoists, Hindus... whatever who seek to attack the credibility of the Bible as the flawless Word of God with much ridicule. Here are some examples how Scriptural Christianity is criminalized by the obviously non-Christian:
- Many critics ridicule that the Bible didn't fall down from Heaven and written altogether so it can't be the Word of God according to their own conceit.
- Buddhists have considered the Bible to be a good book but not perfect in inspiration. They consider Jesus to be just a good man worth listening to and that Christians are deluded to believe that Jesus is God.
- Atheist writers can be so hateful they promote hate literature like "The God Delusion" to people which these books and writings misrepresent God to be a dictator and the Bible but a fairy tale book. Atheist blogs all demand the Bible to be banned in the name of "unlimited human progress". They call Christians to be delusional, hateful and dishonest.
- Communists has labeled the Bible to be the greatest book that ever threatened Communism.
Here's another good reason to keep studying the Bible- pseudo-Christians also use the Bible to defend their falsehood only they are misleading and spinning around the Scripture for their own convenience. If Satan could quote Scripture when he tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13), he and his army of pseudo-Christians can do it too! False teachers and religious leaders know how the Bible is used to debunk and uproot heresies so why not in their own foolishness, use the Bible to "defend" their heresies and false religions? It can be seen in several radio programs, television shows and most especially the Internet. Here are a few examples of how this attack on the Bible is done in a hasty attempt to defend their heresies and claim to be Christian:
- Roman Catholics have the strategy that features a Catholic priest holding the Bible to attempt to prove their heresies right together with Catholic apologists (who usually have a bad attitude). They quote a few verses, spin them around and do whatever they please to keep their own tradition. They have attempted to use the Bible to defend heresies like Mariolatry, use of graven images, salvation by works, church membership salvation and praying to saints to name a few. Why even the Pope does quote a few Scriptures to make people believe that he believes the Bible when he doesn't!
- Talk shows held by cultists of the late Felix Manalo also quote from the Bible to try and deny the deity of Christ and teach salvation by works and insist that their founder was the last messenger when he was not.
- Charismatic rallies held by Pentecostals quote the Bible not to evangelize but make a quick buck and make their conspiracy stories sound real.
- Seventh Day Adventists quote the Bible to justify their heresy like the keeping of the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament ignoring the change of dietary laws in Acts 10:15.
- The Watchtower Society puts some Scripture and they even have their own perverted study guide to mislead people to believe their doctrine. It's printed all over their materials like their magazine "Awake".
Their websites do not rightly divide the Word of God so Christians must study and know that the Bible interprets itself as 2 Peter 1:20 says that no prophecy of the Scripture is of private interpretation. Christians should ask for the help of God the Holy Spirit to help them see through the Scriptures. They should get some commentaries but of course, being careful they do not get it from a heretical teacher that teaches unscriptural stuff. Remember that the Bible DOES NOT contradict itself so in any heresy uprooting (we're not encouraging it to be done by violence but solely relying on spiritual warfare), verses used to defend heresy are taken out of context and Christians must learn to take them IN CONTEXT! When the Bible is taken seriously, even the best Jesuit operatives fall and may even get saved!
So what becomes one of the solutions? Sunday school should be opened. Don't ever treat Sunday school to be but a trivial, little matter. No. It's important for the people to study the Bible as a class even as adults so they can be very well-equipped. It's important to study the Bible piece by piece and learn some of the Greek and the Hebrew as to provide greater defense against the heresies of this day. It should however be stressed that it's very important that Christians should NOT enter into debates with fools (2 Timothy 2:16). They should however present a defense against the malicious attacks of Christianity but not follow up the argument to create a debate. But of course, second, NEVER neglect to read the Bible daily! No Bible, no breakfast should be a policy to Christian growth.