Works Salvation Appeals to Pride

There's a HUGE difference between Christians doing good works vs. the works salvationist doing good works and it should be pointed out the difference is that Christians do good works to thank God for what He did for them (Titus 2:11-15), the other tries to please God with what they do. And how true. No wonders Romans 3:27-28 says, "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay but by the Law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law."

Here's reality- works salvation appeals to the VERY pride of man. After all, it's only normal that people wants to satisfy themselves. It's always more satisfying to accomplish something without the help of another person but, a VERY BIG BUT, sometimes people need the help of others to accomplish something like how a businessman builds a good business because he has people to help him or how a pastor succeeds because he also has people to back him up. In the case of salvation, a person must put their faith 100% in Jesus Christ in total commitment (trust) and surrender by believing that He alone can save them. Sadly people still want to trust themselves ignoring there is NOTHING they can do to please God. Plus, if salvation is by works then the sacrifice of Jesus was all for nothing (Galatians 2:21).

So what becomes the result? Teachers of the heresy of salvation by works display the attitude of high pride and abrasiveness. Many of them are very abrasive individuals. After all if works were needed for salvation (either to earn or maintain it), it would result to boasting rather than a person does good works even if salvation wasn't involved but rather, it was a result of God's grace- there is a HUGE CONTRAST THERE. Plus, ironically many of these works salvation teachers are also false accusers of the proponents of eternal security calling them Antinomians, homosexuals or whatever... they just show their insecurity over their false doctrine which they themselves CANNOT KEEP. Besides a lot of works salvation proponents are also living very sinful lives too!