Unlimited Human Progress with Atheism? NOT ACCORDING TO FACTS!
Several atheist bloggers have also written the statement that when Christians (along with other theists) are removed, that the idea of God is destroyed and atheist morality takes over that there will be unlimited human progress (hence humanism), that there will be unlimited human progress and so on... well, the opposite is QUITE TRUE! How? Well here are some pictures of atheistic governments:
You've got a generation of children raised according to the principles of the ones above which has resulted to...

A dictatorial school system is the end result- so much for accusing Christian education of being dictatorial. If there is no good, no evil... nothing but pitiless indifference then that's how the school should be run based on that principle. It's all about morality according to the ATHEIST STATE. Check out Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and Joseph Stalin to name a few! After all the Bible protects people from dictatorships and not put them into one! Children are much safer with quality church education over public school education. A comparison is how quality Christian schools DO MUCH BETTER than public schools! May I also mention that the mindset of people is now being changed like they have started to reject organic goodness to control attention deficit disorder in exchange for the dangerous drug of Ritalin? God provided Vitamin B as part of nature as well.

Government endorsed infanticide like in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. Well, this time it comes in the form of abortion. Because life is belittled and living by the principle of no good, no evil and nothing but pitiless indifference then the fetus is treated just as a "thing". Oh yeah, they've lost their common sense to realize that a fetus is a LIVING PERSON at the fact that it grows, it takes nourishment and plus it KICKS the mother's womb!
Dictatorial governments are another. China and Cambodia are a few examples of how atheist states fall apart and a godless society falls down. There was nothing better about atheist states than Muslim dictatorships and Roman Catholic dictatorships. They are ALL socialist by nature. This does not mean America should accept Islamic socialism and let the Koran be mandatory in public schools under the rule of the Sultan! It's all about fear and terror. So MUCH for criticizing the Inquisition and the Jesuit murders- they are NO better!