Circumcision Does NOT Prevent STDs

It's typically a common abuse to use the word "study shows" in order to justify sin and unfortunately, one of the greatest and most cruel hoaxes in promoting circumcision is that it prevents STDs.  However here's some pretty bad news- circumcision does NOT prevent STDs.  Certainly circumcision does have its benefits but prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is not one of them.

It's time for a little Bible and science review.  God ordained circumcision to the Jews and He also ordained sexual purity laws.  If circumcision could protect anybody from the consequences of having sex with a harlot, God would definitely not be smart to write such rules against sexual immorality.  The rules of God were meant to protect people and keep everything in order. However, people just disregard the Law and they try to establish their own righteousness.

Proverbs 5:11 really writes about sexually transmitted diseases saying, "And thou mourn at the last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed."  That's what an STD does.  Solomon who was circumcised like every good Jewish male of his time spoke of God's warning against having sex with prostitutes.  Again, most of the people who had read the warning were no doubt circumcised because Solomon ruled Israel.  The warning was generally for anybody cut or uncut.  A sexually transmitted disease is usually transmitted by sex most of the time and the fact that it could slip through condoms is already a warning that circumcision does not prevent the spread of STDs at all.  As said, only sexual purity is the ONLY WAY to really cease new epidemics of STDs.

Here's a little link out for more information (off-site):