Refuting the Idea that Solomon Went to Hell

The works salvation crowd has tried to use King Solomon as an example of a person who once had his salvation and lost it.  However, that is another big lie used to promote the heresy of works salvation.  So what is the reality?  Did King Solomon go to Hell or Heaven?  It's time to examine his life as it was as written in 1 Kings 1-11 and 2 Chronicles 1-9:

  • He was in charge of building the Temple of God in Jerusalem which his father was not allowed to build.
  • Before he asked for wisdom, he foolishly married Pharaoh's daughter.
  • When he saw how difficult it was to rule the kingdom, he asked God for wisdom to rule the people.  God granted him so.  Unfortunately he would later use the wisdom for foolishness.
  • In his whole lifetime, he wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.  
  • It was during his reign Israel was at its peak.  Sadly after his death, Israel got divided into the northern and the southern kingdoms.
  • During his reign, he had taken idolatrous women to be wives and concubines.  He ended up compromising with the unbelieving crowd, a very course of action that would later affect his descendants who would rule Judah until King Zedekiah during the time of Jeremiah.

According to some crazy works salvation preachers, Solomon would have gone to Hell.  However let's examine more of Solomon in later detail:

  • The Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes was sort of like a longer version of Psalm 51.  Solomon expressed how foolishly he had done with his life.  In fact, in his own wisdom, he knew nobody could be free from their sin and that there is no man without sin.  Ecclesiastes expresses Solomon's repentance over his foolishness.  His own writings proved he was still a believer.  If he lost his salvation, he would have also lost his conviction for sin as well.
  • Nehemiah 13:26 calls Solomon as the king who was beloved of his God and a king like no other.  If he went to Hell, that verse would not fit at all.  Funny how some works salvation preachers misquote it. 

So here's reality check- Solomon was still a believer through and through.  Oh yeah, if Solomon did go to Hell then it's time to tear out Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon too.