Communist China Trying to Own the Moon and Mars?!

I am getting amazed at how AMAZINGLY STUPID can the fool who in his heart that there is no God can get. So here's what- the atheist government of China is really trying to challenge the God they hate and detest by what seems to be trying to take over the moon. In fact, Christianity in China has been the number one enemy of the atheist government- to which they hate God so much they'll kill his followers. That's why I am very aghast with atheism as much as I am aghast with EVERY false religion like Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, give me all those isms of false religions and I reject them all in the name of Jesus Christ the only Person worth living for while I will be praying for lost souls!

Now here's the more absurd ones- trying to grow vegetables on the Mars and the moon? I guess these fools just don't realize that they are challenging God's laws on science. If they are to be truly scientific, one should appeal to the God who made science and not to mankind's twisted and perverted view of science which has permeated our schools of thought like atheistic evolution and the idea that only atheists can be scientists. Communism is just a road to nowhere and its founders were all God haters. In fact, while Mao Zedong's body is still in the grave and he is sadly in Hell now. Also, it's an amazing fact that while atheists say there is no God, their actions actually prove they HATE God with the words they write, describing God as a cruel and hateful individual and the list can go on. However let's keep praying for the missions in China.
