Why Christian Education Should NEVER Allow Early Relationships

It's love month and I really believe we should tackle on why Christian education should not allow early relationships. I remembered the time I attended a Christian school that I would say, I am thankful for because of their tough preaching but sadly as said, many are called and only a few are chosen. I remembered how the school was strict, we learned character and yet sadly so many people protested against the authorities for reasonable rules including that dysfunctional family who fought with the directress herself.

I had my thoughts as a Christian academy, they had every right not to allow what is not allowable and one of them was the world of early relationships between teenagers. And so they had this angry protest saying, "That's so unfair. We don't want to end up old maids like our stupid directress." And also, complaining that the school lacked class, they decided to call students from what used to be an exclusive Jesuit-ran boys' school and said, "We have to choose our partners now or we'll never get married." The worse part was that they were most likely 13-16 years old... very young. Or worse, some people can start as early as ten years old. It may sound stupid but sadly, Satan's influence on our children is that great thanks to dirty media everywhere and today, it will be made worse with sex education and the Reproductive Herod Bill and Planned Pharaohhood movements.

It may not affect academics all the time BUT here are some things I've considered:

1.) Teenagers are biologically immature to deal with relationships.

I've felt that myself when I was in High School. The problem with biological immunity is HORMONES especially those that trigger rage and lust. This also results to very immature thinking like, "Hey what's next?" type of thinking. It's almost always based on showing of rather than real relationships. Kind of reminds me of how my male classmates usually had the bad habit of courting heathen women just because they were more attractive (at least, to them).

They were making decisions on crushing rather than compatibility. What is worse is that it can lead to earlier premarital sex which will be even more disastrous than being pregnant and you're a working woman or you got somebody pregnant and you're a working man. Like my good friend who backslid and had premarital sex, however he was an adult, had a good salary as a clinical instructor so even if he did wrong, carrying that burden is not as great as to those who are teenagers who definitely are even too young to have a decent job to support their children!

2.) Teenagers are very emotionally unstable.

Mood swings, contradictory feelings and reckless actions, I've been there done that. In fact, my mood swings were that terrible. Contradictory feelings were very hard to deal with especially when I was living in a broken family and being the only Christian in the nuclear family to the point I treated one pastor I knew as if he was my own brother because I needed somebody to lean on. Or three, reckless actions I've remembered I got into a fight with a guy all because of a girl and in the next few years, neither of us got the girl.

All these emotional issues are tied with biological immaturity and when the relationship falls then so does a lot of stuff. These can lead to doing stuff that the Christian school may require expulsion like carrying deadly weapons in school, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and the like all because of a relationship gone bad. Don't believe me? Check out the schools that do and see how chaotic their campuses are! This can also cause them to pay too much attention to their boyfriends/girlfriends and they hide their activities which may result to a one night stand that created a huge scar for life. This goes to the my baby is having a baby issue among mothers and their teenagers who engage in premarital sex.

3.) Teenagers are very prone to lifelong scars.

Compared to the thought that teenagers should be allowed to date to have a happier teenage life, that is so dead wrong. People usually have the wrong reasons to date, they ignore a lot of issues like aging and that marriage is a no return, no exchange deal in God's eyes. Every incident in a child and in a teenager's life can create numerous takeaways and bad memories. Unnatural behavior can result to commitment phobia, continuous one night stands and like in point number one, alcoholism and premarital sex.

Teenage pregnancy produces a MUCH bigger scar than your average out of wedlock mother who's got a job to support the child that's been born. That means quitting school and doing irregular odd jobs to support the baby in contrast to a single mom who's been left by the cruel boyfriend but now has a proper job, she can support her child. Not that I condone premarital sex but backups are necessary because you'll never know when you'll slip down and fall into grievous errors. Somebody I knew who got pregnant out of wedlock at age 14 ended up dropping out of school and later working in a night club compared to somebody I knew who got pregnant as a working woman was still able to support her son because she was now a job holder.