The Dangers of Worldly Education Systems

It's a very sad thing that Christian schooling is hardly popular and that the only "Christian schooling" that is popular is if it fits with the dangerous trend of secular education or in other words "worldly education" which is very different from Christian education. Just from some tidbits from America and the Philippines alone, so many bad things happen in the worldly education systems. Because they are worldly and not spiritual, they care more about man-pleasing than pleasing God. John 15:18-19 the Lord Jesus already warned Christians they are not of the world and if the world. Philippians 4:8 writes, "Finally brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things." In fact, the worldly education system really is Romans 10:3 at practice- trying to gain its own righteousness while being ignorant of God's righteousness."

So what are the dangers of the worldly education system? Let's get it straight. Here are just some I have discovered based on my experience and observation:

1.) A very distorted view of God. 

Sad to say but are atheist public schools, Roman Catholic schools, some schools that claim to be Christian but are plagued with New Age doctrines like the prosperity doctrine and are most likely in bed with Rome and ecumenism. I could remember the signboard that said, "WE ARE ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND GOD IS OUR FATHER." That signboard is true for all genuine Christians (and that the we are only the saved) but NOT between Christians and non-Christians! John 1:12 declares only by faith in Jesus Christ can one be reborn as a child of God. John 8:44 has Jesus declaring the unsaved as the children of the Devil. If they were children of God, well Jesus would NEVER call them as the children of the Devil. The dangers today of New Age doctrine and two, the Vatican II's ecumenical agenda are among a few reasons why I hate the worldly education system.

2.) Materialism and not spirituality. 

It's a sad fact that children today can be so cruel to the point they could bully a child for not having the popular stuff others have. This can very much happen in the high class schools and not just in the public schools of America. Not ever since America took away the Bible, the public schools have become a war zone and opponents of the Gospel. Other problems involved are also in the super-duper expensive private education systems. I am a supporter of private education but only from a real Christian system like Bob Hughes Christian Academy and Bethany Christian School which are fundamental Christian in doctrine NOT from non-Christian institutions even if they claim to be Christians. Before I got saved, I remembered being part of a secular education system that had a high tuition fee and while it promised only the best education, most of the students were really just learning to be classy with the violin lessons, golf lessons, graduation balls, costly parties and the students were basically from the high elite of society which is very, very materialistic. What is worse is that these materialistic schools boast that they are the best and they ensure success because of their ridiculously high tuition fee but when the child graduates they absolutely remember more on how to become high class rather than their academics! What is worse they might graduate to become gang leaders, druglords and dirty politicians all surrounded by the LOVE OF MONEY (1 Timothy 6:10).

3.) Allowing early relationships. 

Sad to say but even several parents are now allowing their young children to even date each other perhaps as young as TEN or maybe lower? In America, I have read of children having sex. It does get dangerous since some women can get as pregnant as early as ten, in fact I remembered how somebody I knew already started menstruating that early. Even some love triangles happen as early as below puberty which can be a very bad thing considering a child's fragile mind. I mean children are so easily deceived by word of mouth (like how often lie to the children about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny they are most likely to buy it) it could become a problem. Just think about how stupid it can get for two NINE year old boys fighting over ONE GIRL then you've got that at ten which could result in a severe trauma if left unchecked. In Middle School and High School, teenage pregnancy is also an issue as teenagers are very immature and can't handle relationships.

4.) Tolerance of sexual immorality. 

It's a very common problem that schools are now pressured to give sex education to children where a good portion of the class are teaching premarital sex is absolutely necessary or that homosexuality is perfectly okay. Some even misquote the Bible to support such garbage. Is it any wonder why AIDS and premarital pregnancies are now so common among teenagers?

5.) Increased number of cases worthy of expulsion. 

Well I would say if a school were strict with its discipline, children can learn to grown up well therefore significantly reducing the cases of incidents like school shootings, premarital sex, gross disrespect of authorities, narcotics use and fraternities to name a few. Not ever since the paddle was thrown away from the school system and spanking declared as child abuse when it is not (such people don't even bother to tell the difference) the incidents had gone sky high. The usual problems of cheating, lying, cutting in line and mere disrespect thanks to a lack of discipline have escalated to the incidents I have just mentioned.

Overall, it's a very sad fact to how worldly education is really preparing people for the One World Government under Satan. Even so come Lord Jesus!