What Happens When Church Pastor Uses Carnal Means to Attract Members?

I was listening to a clip with Paul Washer discussing about church leader who permit carnality and false conversions.  I really want to put a huge question mark on such preachers whether or not such people are saved to start with because their actions make me doubt they're even converted in the first place.  Paul Washer discussed about the use of carnal means to attract people into the church.  Listen, church building is NOT about how many signed a dotted line, how many people prayed the sinner's prayer but rather how many people are truly converted.  So what is going on?  Here's what could be a summary of the decay of Church historic principles which sadly have hit the Independent Fundamental Baptist assemblies:

1.) Lordship salvation exchanged for easy believism

The problem today is the Lordship salvation controversy to which I thought the term was once used to disguise works salvation.  I used to consider myself an easy believist until I realized these were things that I could NEVER accept as Christians:
  • Christians can live the way they want if they can't, it's automatically works salvation.  
  • People who once professed their faith in Christ and left are still saved.
  • There are fruitless Christians.
  • Repentance of sin equals works salvation.
  • Receiving Christ as Lord also equals works salvation.

What I agree with John Macarthur, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Jamse Lyman, Arthur Pink, Robert Charles Sproul, D. James Kennedy and Paul Washer who have all been unfairly blacklisted in the Repentance Blacklist for supposedly teaching works salvation:
  • If Christians could live the way they want, then God's grace is not present.  Ephesians 2:10 and Titus 2:11-14 is clear that the grace of God is life changing.  1 Corinthians 6:11 is clear that God changes the lives of believers.  Even some of the so-called easy believist churches however could not agree with this kind of satanic doctrine!  Sad to say, I even heard of a stupid video that was called "Arthur Pink is in Hell Sad to Say" by false teacher Jacksmack77.
  • People who once claimed to profess faith in Christ and later left and were de-converted (supposedly) were as 1 John 2:19 describes as never saved to start with.  The whole heresy of once saved and can still go back to unbelief is really causing people to believe Judas Iscariot was a Christian.  Really how stupid can they get?  In fact the Judas Iscariot debate is no better.  Now how can anybody who is a Christian not continue in the faith?  I remembered running across some IFB websites no matter how so-called anti-lorship salvation they were or easy believist as they claim, they didnt buy a bit of that tje apostate is still saved doctrine and are still tackling the apostates were never saved doctrine!
  • Fruitless Christians?  You've got to be kidding me!  Matthew 7:16-20 warns that by their fruits they shall be known.  John 15:1-9 is clear that God trims the Christians to bear more fruit while fruitless branches are thrown.  Eternally secure Christians are not just only saved, they bear fruit for Christ!  Reading "True and False Conversion" and "Hell's Best Kept Secret" by Ray Comfort, checking it with Scripture there are no fruitless Christians.  In fact, if Christians didn't bear good fruit then Christ didn't save them for a purpose.  But no, Christians do good works because of the imputed righteousness!
  • Repentance of sin is not works salvation.  To think of it, unless people repent of their sins, they will never turn from unbelief.  To think about it, whenever I hear preaching about sin as the violation of God's law, people either walk out or come to Christ.  The kind of evangelism that waters down the preaching into receiving Christ but skipping vital essentials like the total depravity of man I don't see any reason why they should appreciate Christ's sacrifice on the cross.  In "Revival's Golden Key" in fact I would 100% agree with Kirk Cameron's talking about giving the medicine to a man who is unaware of his disease vs. the one who is fully aware of his disease.  If a man is not aware of their disease and the need for medicine, the same goes for sinners who unless they repent of their sins they will NEVER come to Christ for salvation.  The rich young ruler was a picture of a man and Jesus the doctor- unless a patient realizes his serious condition he will never accept the cure.
  • If Christ is received, He is received in WHOLE not in part.  For one, Christ is preached as Lord all throughout the New Testament.  Romans 10:9-13 calls Jesus as Lord.  Acts 16:31, Jesus is Lord.  Everywhere salvation is mentioned, Jesus is Lord!  Notice the humble submission to His Lordship that repentant sinners have throughout the New Testament!

2.) The salvation of the pastor is already questionable whether such preachers are even saved to start with or whether or not they are Judas Iscariots!

I was already thinking about my lectures with Pastor Armando C. Borja in High School where he had also addressed the issue of pastors are using carnal means to attract members into their flocks.  The problem can be found in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 abut the time when people will not endure sound doctrine, go after their lusts and they will go to preachers who preach to them ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR.  In fact, I am starting to put the pastor in question of his/her salvation if they preach the following type of garbage:
  • Using Jesus' name in the Gospel of Prosperity.  I had every right to doubt false pastors who guarantee the Name of Jesus to only feel love, joy and peace and NOT the necessity of why people need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  It's like "Make Him Lord of your finances and you'll be a billionaire." type of crooked theology.  In fact, Christ did not promise a life free of troubles nor did He promise His followers to be materially rich.  Worse they have turned Malachi 3:10 from church preservation principle to getting rich principle which is crooked theology.  An interesting fact to know are these:
    • People give their money to the pastors hoping to get "double your money".  It's no better than the banks who offer the double your money scam.  They are Ponzi preachers at best as ONLY the pastor from Satan here gets rich!
    • Many of the so-called faith healings are actually "fake healings" at best.  From the Way of the Master, ex-faith healer Todd Friel revealed how such scams work to get a decent buck.  The interview with Ray Comfort was a very enlightening one.
    • The Gospel of Prosperity is another very good reason why preaching results to false conversions. Because when people supposedly receive Christ in hopes of healing and wealth and when adversity comes, they leave because there is really no root to begin with.  John Macarthur, Paul Washer and Ray Comfort are some of the best pioneers of warning and preaching against the devilishly dreadful prosperity gospel that has damned so many to Hell!
  • Catering to people's comforts rather than their spiritual needs.  I don't have anything against a church with airconditioners if they can afford it but my problems can be like how people are going to church because of free meals, because most of the people there are rich and because the pastor speaks of only pleasant things.  Wow talk about a church that's driven to a wrong purpose!  
  • Condoning of certain sins or even letting people come into their assemblies continually.  The disease of ecumenical ties with Roman Catholicism have really caused this.  While I can understand that in the Roman Catholic institution that they keep letting sinful members into their church.  Sad to say it has hit the Christian assemblies which in fact makes me think of what Spurgeon said, "Instead of shepherds feeding sheep, there are clowns who are entertaining goats." as a warning.  I've even seen the following crookery that can really be marks of pastors who are not saved:
    • Teaching that homosexuality is okay with God in their poor analysis of Scriptures!  Such pastors are rallying for homosexual rights to marriage?!  So what's next?  They'll join in the rally for faggots to get pregnant and for lesbians to impregnate?  It's no surprise that many of them are homosexuals to claim to be Christians.  No Christian can ever be a homosexual.  Really have they examined 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 thoroughly?
    • Pastors who are habitual adulterers are pretty questionable.  If it's already bad enough for a church to house adulterers and cater to them carnally with the "hope" that such people will change (which is utter stupidity) then it's already no surprise that the pastors there are habitual adulterers.  How can such sexually immoral shepherds be from God to start with.
    • Even when the members are carnal and sinful, they don't really bother to properly reprimand such wayward members as long as they contribute money, sing in the choir, attend church, attend Sunday school and all because of what?  They signed a dotted line and walked the isle?  I have no problem with Christians signing dotted lines IF they are already saved but the problem is that, people are walking down the isle without hearing the real Gospel as it should be- from SIN to the Savior.  Christ does NOT save people in their sins, He saves them from their sins!
    • Maybe I should mention the plague that is rock music?  Rock music is in fact satanic and always will be.  I've examined a lot of so-called Christian rock groups- their profession of salvation is very inconsistent with their lifestyles.  Not that I am perfectly sinless, I still sin but I have a very different attitude towards sin.  These rockers don't.  They live very carnal lives.  In fact I've read how many of them are actually in league with the Vatican as well!
  • Ecumenical pastors are in fact obviously not saved.  Sad to say many of these pastors had sold the whole Christian world for the Pope's filthy lucre just as Judas Iscariot sold Jesus Christ to Caiaphas for thirty pieces of silver.  I have noticed a lot of pro-Vatican pastors tend to live life in luxury to the point they can even have luxuries like that of the Pope's.  If the Vatican has its own airlines, some of these pastors even have their own private jets to visit the Vatican.  Pastors should be going around the world to spread the Gospel, not go on vacation!