False Preachers are God's Judgment on People Who Hate the Gospel Truth!
While I was listening to Paul Washer berating against the false teachings of Joel Osteen or should I say Jolly Ostensible or John F. MacArthur berating Rob Bell or should I say Rob Hell, well it's pretty clear to me now that false prophets are really God's judgment on people who follow them. Bell was trying to say there is no Hell but it wouldn't be long before Hell is his eternal home unless he repents. For one, I really used to stress myself arguing with all these false prophets like how my encounter with them I thought that these people are better off not minded if they continue to reject the truth that is shared. After all, God is using them to judge people. So far here's what while reading Jeremiah 5:31, it is no surprise people following these false prophets are on their way to destruction otherwise known as the blind leading the blind. They will fall into the ditch and God will allow false preachers to progress for this reason- to judge the hard-necked people to their destruction.
Here are some examples I'd like to share as a sound warning against such people making it very hard for many to believe the Gospel:
1.) The works salvation crowd which can also be linked to the conditional security crowd obviously is linked with the problem of P-R-I-D-E.
Works salvation appeals to the proud and delusional. You might read such garbage as, "The real issue is not God's faithfulness to us, but our faithfulness to Him to the very end of our lives." which really makes man or woman work for his or her salvation rather than man or woman doing works as a result of salvation. That is plain works salvation to the maximum laced with all the hypocrisies these people can name. They are against the doctrine of eternal security and calling it a license to sin because they want to boast. Ephesians 2:8-10 is clear that salvation is by faith alone and that the good works are a result of that faith alone in Christ. Titus 2:11-14 is clear it's the grace of God. The whole problem of works salvation is that it tries to establish its own righteousness while being heavily ignorant on God's righteousess (Romans 10:3). In one context or another, this is really a whole load of self-righteousness that really misrepresents eternal security and the perseverance of the saints. How can the teaching of the perseverance of the saints be heavily Antinomian when in fact, it teaches that saved and secure people WILL NOT live accordingly to the world and can't because they are saved? As said, I can't live the way I want only because God is in me and it's not me but it's rather God's work in me (Philippians 2:13). This is a judgment on the prideful and arrogant as their Pharisees lead them to destruction. It's no wonder why it's very hard to pull people out of their cults like the Roman Catholic institution that brags that good works are necessary for salvation and that salvation must be worked for.
2.) The prosperity gospel crowd appeals to their followers with such crooked methods which I would note many of them are in league with the Vatican like Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn.
As much as I try not to list down as many false prophets as I can, however I cannot help but mention the bigger ones. The problem with the prosperity gospel is the use of "positive psychology" and the "love gospel". The deadly "love gospel" really preaches a no repentance or a watered down repentance. So who normally joins this? Hippie liberals of course and I can't find any single prosperity gospel crowd that is not suck with heresies like works salvation and Antinominism but the more frequent heresy is works salvation. In fact the prosperity gospel is one of the many ways that greedy pastors rake in a lot and I mean a lot of money. To be honest, this is a Ponzi scheme of a ministry that I believe will be the judgment of greedy people because they really will lose a lot of money giving money to their pastor believing it will return to them double or more in such a short amount of time. Remember God DID NOT promise the tithes and offerings to make people billionaires but rather the blessing is more spiritual than material. I'm a tither but I don't expect to become a billionaire.
3.) Obviously ecumenism is for people who are open minded in the wrong way and can be linked to works salvation and the prosperity gospel.
It's not a surprise that Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn and Jim Bakker work for the Vatican. The Jim Bakker scams were all linked to the Vatican's Evangelicals and Catholics Together movement. They make their ecumenism in the name of "love one another". In truth, I love people ENOUGH to warn them of the reality that they are headed for Hell. Real love does not sugar coat the truth just because the person who loves is afraid that the other will be upset. Jesus told it like it is. I don't know what kind of crooked interpretation they have. It was like in the past when somebody had called be a "fruit loop" and a "religious extremist" because I was really speaking against the contradictory heresies one religion had over the other. In fact it really sickens me to think that Billy Graham while appearing to be a great preacher is openly in ties with Rome. In fact, it saddened me to realize a great man like Martin Luther King Jr. was actually a die hard Jesuit-trained puppet who preached an ecumenical gospel. Today, it even becomes absolute bigotry to preach Jesus' Gospel as it is... raw and unadulterated. Books like "The Gospel According to Jesus" by John F. Macarthur may soon be banned, I might not get surprised if Paul Washer is suddenly locked up and that a lot of people hate me for preaching the raw Gospel truth. This is judgment for people who don't care about the truth and want a false kind of unity.